Out of Combat Only Healing Item

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

Silver Crusade

Is there a design space for an item--magical or alchemical--that provides significant healing (so is resonance-efficient), cheaper than equivalent wands/potions/scrolls, but which can only be used outside of combat? Maybe something that requires you to sit perfectly still for a full minute before it takes effect. If you're interrupted, you lose the charge (or the item, if they're one shot). Alternately, it could provide very gradual healing that
breaks on strenuous action by the recipient.

My intent is to provide some between-encounter healing to extend the adventuring day. Also, it's a fun opportunity for an evil GM to interrupt the PCs while they take five. Muhahaha.

A spell that did something similar could work, too. I suppose the much-maligned Infernal Healing did something similar (as it took a while to deliver its full effect); the effect would be increased hp/spell slot efficiency, with the drawback that it won't save you in a fight.

I'm not convinced these are good ideas, just something to play around with.

Liberty's Edge

Honestly, Paizo seems VERY attached to the idea that a Party who doesn't bring a Cleric or other Healing Focused PC, SHOULD have to pay a ton out-of-pocket to keep up with more than 2-3 encounters a day. As far as I can tell it is central to the design philosophy to make magical healing expensive and extremely limited.

I'm not sure how I feel about that but the intent seems clear that a Party should have to be careful with how they spend their resources, and that any healing item use needs to require at least 1 Resonance point per person, per use.

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