Planning your main character already?

Owlcat Pathfinder CRPGs

Grand Lodge

I have been enjoying Retcon Raider's overview of this game on YouTube (check it out) and have been agonizing over what type of character I want to play - good/evil - class - going for CHA so I can be a good leader or just blaster mage? So many decisions which makes for good replay value.

What type of character and class do you envision on your first play through?

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I played the Beta with some different characters. Don't know what I'll build for the first final playthrough. Maybe a Ranger. May be a Barbarian. A Sorcerer can be diplomatic and fun. And Evil.

So many possibilities...

D20DM wrote:

I have been enjoying Retcon Raider's overview of this game on YouTube (check it out) and have been agonizing over what type of character I want to play - good/evil - class - going for CHA so I can be a good leader or just blaster mage? So many decisions which makes for good replay value.

What type of character and class do you envision on your first play through?

Blaster Sorcerer? it has the CHA as well.




But what about problems that are running away?

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Souls At War wrote:




But what about problems that are running away?

Fast movement.

Grand Lodge

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Souls At War wrote:
D20DM wrote:

I have been enjoying Retcon Raider's overview of this game on YouTube (check it out) and have been agonizing over what type of character I want to play - good/evil - class - going for CHA so I can be a good leader or just blaster mage? So many decisions which makes for good replay value.

What type of character and class do you envision on your first play through?

Blaster Sorcerer? it has the CHA as well.




But what about problems that are running away?

One cannot outrun love! Good luck on your kingdom crushing, my AM BARBARIAN friend. Best of Luck.

Grand Lodge

Franz Lunzer wrote:

I played the Beta with some different characters. Don't know what I'll build for the first final playthrough. Maybe a Ranger. May be a Barbarian. A Sorcerer can be diplomatic and fun. And Evil.

So many possibilities...

Ranger/Archer was my first instinct, but I always play an archer the first time through on these types of games. Now a Sorcerer does sound interesting!

I think I'm going to go for a Sorc/Paladin/Dragon Disciple first, just because I don't play around with multiclassing very often, and Dragon Disciples are pretty neat. Silver dragon bloodline to match with the Paladin levels.

I heard the game would have prestige classes (Arcane Trickster is in), but never saw if DD was confirmed or not. I'm assuming all core prestige classes?

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(LINK) to the Official Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki.


Prestige classes:
Arcane Trickster
Dragon Disciple
Eldritch Knight
Mystic Theurge
Stalwart Defender

-- david

Trying to. Some of the system changes are adding a wrinkle (Skill and skill point compression, primarily) and the need for a budding baroness to be able to persuade people and be somewhat (or extremely) knowledgeable.

Waffling between the following:

ranger (freebooter), seeking a way to fame and fortune, Baroness is much the same as 'captain,' as far as she's concerned, except people bring the plunder to you.

bard (archaeologist), the ultimate skill monkey, charismatic but physically strong researcher. (Angelic Aasimar, so 16 str and cha)


Alchemist (vivisectionist multiclassed with rogue for persuasion and dex to damage [unchained is default]). Or skipping rogue and going strength based by layering enlarge, bull's strength and mutagen (they seem to be implementing bonus types so those should all stack). The rogue version can skip enlarge and do much the same with a better AC with cat's grace.

Dragon disciple either through Bard or eldritch scion Magus has some weight (mostly getting up to str 22 by level 9). This can be applied to the archaeologist above, in fact, though probably only for 4 levels so as not to disrupt skill/bab/luck progression too much. (+4 str and +2 natural armor still seems worth it)

The freebooter probably has the best story hooks as far as I'm concerned, but the archaeologist makes for an amazingly skilled character (1/2 level bonuses to 6 different skills and a good amount of skill points, and a decent amount of combat prowess)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm tempted to see how a Dragonfist Monk/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple plays.

I am in Kickstarter, but only got the download with some items backer.

For you guys that got early access, can you answer some questions?

You create your main character, how, point buy? then form a party. How many PCs besides the main character can you have at the beginning? Assuming they are the companions, which ones are available?


-- david

Ok, not a backer/early acccess but from what I've seen in beta videos:

Creation creation is point buy, 25 points for your main character. Standard PF rules, so you can drop stats down to 7 for more points, if you care for that sort of thing.

There are 11 NPCs that can join you in the game-
5 are in the prologue, though only 3 join you for chapter 1, based on choices you make). The other 2 can be found and talked into joining you during chapter one.

3 more can be found in chapter one, but at least one may or may not join you until chapter 2, depending on the order in which you do things/how much time has passed (not sure on the triggers)

The final three presumably are found in chapter 2.

You have no say over their stats, classes (they don't all start at level 1), or feats. I've seen 9 of the stat lines, and working backwards to point buy, 4 are 20 point buy, 1 is 23, 1 27, 1 28 and 2 29. But at least two of them have changed during development, so don't expect any to be final.

A couple of those seem oddly high, but I think it involves a race change in at least one case. Octavia is one of the 29s, but if she were an elf rather than half-elf, her statline is doable as 25 point buy.

Custom characters of your own creation can be added to the party, starting a little bit into chapter 1. A specific NPC shows up in Oleg's Trading post, and can 'find people' for a 2000 gold fee.

They have no special lines, just a basic dialogue set of barks (same as the main character). The big difference is they're 20 point buy, or at least were in the version I saw.

Non-spoiler version: Arrive in chapter one, deal with the immediate issue and its follow-up, rest afterwards, recruitment NPC shows up
Spoilers on custom recruitment:

As of the beta version in July/August, the recruitment NPC shows up in Oleg's Trading Post after dealing with the bandit confrontation(s) and having a plot related dream, so arrive, deal with issues and rest. She [Anoriel Eight Eyes] should be there the next morning

As always, for a game that I've only seen beta footage of, nothing is final.

Thanks Voss. Can you tell me which 5 are in the initial "form the party" dialogue?

I'm trying to get a sense of what my main character should be. Without any knowledge, I would normally do a Paladin or Cleric.

-- david

Papa-DRB wrote:

Thanks Voss. Can you tell me which 5 are in the initial "form the party" dialogue?

I'm trying to get a sense of what my main character should be. Without any knowledge, I would normally do a Paladin or Cleric.

-- david

There's a lot of info compiled on the Owlcat forums in this thread.

Voss also put together this thread about the companions, which answers your question about starting party members.

Papa-DRB wrote:

Thanks Voss. Can you tell me which 5 are in the initial "form the party" dialogue?

I'm trying to get a sense of what my main character should be. Without any knowledge, I would normally do a Paladin or Cleric.

-- david

Starting party:


Always Amiri

Depending on choices-
Linzi (bard)
Harrim (cleric)
Jaethal (inquisitor, but undead, which complicates healing)
Valerie (tower shield specialist fighter)

You also pick up a second cleric (during chapter 1, but he might not be in a condition to join the party until chapter 2 if you prioritize different locations on the world map)

Paladin, Monk, Sorcerer and Druid are completely unrepresented, everything else has one NPC. Well, there is a rogue and multiclassed rogue/wizard

Thanks for the help!

I played for loooooooooong time a few months ago (about 4 weeks time during my off time) and made it pretty far with a paladin baron. Reloaded the game yesterday and saw my old Beta game was no longer compatible!

I now have to start from scratch, and I'm still tempted to use paladin... having the power to self heal as a swift as you swing your sword is a huge advantage in this game, and post battle they can dish out a few more channels... that way I don't have to take two clerics along to heal the party...

Voss wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:

Thanks Voss. Can you tell me which 5 are in the initial "form the party" dialogue?

I'm trying to get a sense of what my main character should be. Without any knowledge, I would normally do a Paladin or Cleric.

-- david

Starting party:

** spoiler omitted **

Starting party:
I don't know if that changed, but in one of the early versions, I was not getting Amiri to join my party.

I did always start with Linzi in the party though.

Franz Lunzer wrote:
Voss wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:

Thanks Voss. Can you tell me which 5 are in the initial "form the party" dialogue?

I'm trying to get a sense of what my main character should be. Without any knowledge, I would normally do a Paladin or Cleric.

-- david

Starting party:

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Huh. What I've seen is largely from the August beta build, earlier ones might have been different. Though one of the 'let's plays' I watched started with an earlier build and updated later.



Amiri's initial reaction to Tartuccio is abject hatred, and her dialogue lines at the end of the prologue are pretty... unexamined (she's speaking without thinking about it, which seems pretty in character for her).

The other prospective party members have dialogue based on what you've done (stolen the money, stopped to save the guards or not), hers are literally 'I don't even need to think! I'm coming with you,' and then she proceeds to threaten the 'purple toad.' She also doesn't chime in at all until the 'accusations' sequence is over

Linzi seems to opt out if you abandon the guards to the fire and take the neutral evil option in the 'accusations' dialogue after everything is over. (And possibly pass the diplomacy check)

That seems to be the key- you can justify the theft in a LN way (so others couldn't steal the money), or a CN (so what? the guards couldn't protect it).
- This seems to trigger getting Valerie (LN) or Harrim (CN)

And the leaving the guards is a NG (can't save everyone, sorry for their loss, but I had to make a choice, and chose the Aldori leader) vs NE justification (who cares about the guard's lives?).
-This triggers getting Linzi (NG) or Jaethal (NE).

The questions are apparently flipped if you refuse to steal or save the guards, but the responses seem to have the same alignments and characters

I'm not quite sure what succeeding or failing the attached diplomacy check does, though it seems to apply specifically to Lady Aldori. Perhaps you can convinced her you aren't a suspect?

For the record, the videos I've watched are on youtube- Retcon Raider and spidey1958

The latter are more recent (all started on the August beta build), but... he's a little oblivious (contradicts on-screen text, gets confused about how things work, and makes a lot of noises and mispronunciations) But he also has a lot of class videos which... mostly... go over the details of the classes and prestige classes. Unfortunately he isn't entirely aware of things that changed between tabletop and computer game [like bards getting rogue talents instead of versatile performance], and he misses things, so it isn't entirely useful.

Some of it isn't entirely his fault- the beta leveling screens seem to leave things out at times [bard, for example, doesn't show deadly performance]. But his videos tend to plod, and his ideas of character builds are actively terrible. But it does give a good overview of what feats are in the game and some of the changes present in the beta version [half-orcs get Skilled, for example].

Retcon's videos go all the way to the Stag Lord, but he does tend to gloss over some things (sometimes this is good, like selling vendor trash), but it doesn't always give you a clear idea on how some of the interfaces work (like the stores) and the effects of buffs (I was really curious if enlarge, bull's strength and all that stack like they should).

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I'm blind picking Alchemist.

Aww. A video link without the classic video. Shame.

Hmm. It just occurred to me how many Dolby songs fit Golarion. I'm gonna need a blimp and some pirate twins, stat.

Sorry, I'm fresh out of shame.

But I agree that pirate twins riding to Budapest by blimp would definitely fit the pulp culture that inspired a lot of Golarion.

I love you, goodbye.

Scarab Sages

Is there a way to get Dex-to-damage other than Rogue 3? Like the grace feats? I don’t suppose the Swashbuckler-flavored Paladin archetype is available...?

Catharsis wrote:
Is there a way to get Dex-to-damage other than Rogue 3? Like the grace feats? I don’t suppose the Swashbuckler-flavored Paladin archetype is available...?

Agile trait on magical weapons will do that trick. But you might sacrifice other traits you also would like.

List of feats that is not comprehensive as of yet:

Shadow Lodge

IMHO, after playing several characters in the beta, I think one of the best is a solid multi-use front-liner. As it stands we have:

Spoilered list of NPCs:
Valerie - great and standing there, never getting hit, if she gets hit she stays standing, and pretty much doing absolutely NOTHING ELSE EVER.

Amiri - I think a friend of mine described Amiri best, she's too expensive to keep in the group - her low AC and penchant for being targeted all-the-damn-time makes her a resource hog

Harrim - I'll admit I like Harrim and he's a good combo of some damage, durability, and flexibility

Reg - While I never had the Amiri-level problems, he is a bit of a damage soak and he's really fiddly and more of a striker than a tank

If you're like me and want to have at least two front-liners you're stuck with these yahoos. Duelist is the one PrC that your companions can't obtain - therefore, the "best" character is a duelist that has the AC to survive, the HP to stay in battle, front-line damage output, and with a few levels of rogue or ranger, skills to fill whatever gap your party might have.

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