Unit620 |
Ok first off I want to State the my GM is pretty open to about anything as long as it isn't extremely rule breaking, sticking close to PFS rule with some exceptions if he approves.
My character is as follows currently.
Race: Human
Brawler lvl2
Archetype: Strangler
S: 22
D: 15
C: 15
I: 12
W: 13
Cha: 11
Hp: 21
AC: 18(10+5Armor, +2Dex, +1Dodge)
Fort: 6
Ref: 6
Will: 6
Improved Grapple
Improved Unarmed Strike
Indomitable Faith
Serpentine Squeeze
Armor: +1 Chain Shirt
Main Attack:
Grapple +11
Pin or Damage +2d6 Strangle
There are some in game items or other things that alter some of the stats that I have listed
I'm currently looking for lvls 3 Thur 5 as a prepared range because alot of stats or other buffs or problems may happen while in game.
Looking to maximize damage and ability to Grapple, and would also be to pick up a weapon and use it if the need may arise.

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i only took 2 levels of strangler for my Master of Many Styles Monk in order to get that sweet 2d6 bonus to Grapple damage.
If your GM allows it, I recommend going Master of Many Styles Monk and getting Kobold and Kraken Style. Then start beefing up Strength and Wisdom. if he doesn't allow the Kobold Style then go for Grabbing Style and purchase a Dan Bong for a +2 to CMB.

Honeybee |

Worshiping the headless god of the serpentfolk will make for some interesting roleplaying experiences, I suppose.