Will Starfinder AP books ever be as long as Pathfinder's?

Starfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Scarab Sages

I cannot find the answer to this question, only that the current ones are shorter. I am wondering if this is temporary and there are plans for 96 page APs in the future. But my searchfu is weak on these boards.

All apologies if I have missed something.

I’d love to know the answer. And also to get a campaign akin to Kingmaker with a star
System or something. Doing grid based planet exploration would be awesome.

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They haven't announced any plans to change the pagecount of the APs, no. While that doesn't mean the format will never change, I think we're more likely to see further experimentation with AP length than a change in the content and pagecount of the individual volumes.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I shure hope so, the short length is very noticeable, its less bad now that there every month but when they where only bi monthly it was a nitmare

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

We have not announced any plans to change the product size. As noted that doesn't mean it could never happen, but no one has missed any declaration of such plans. I would guess we'd want to see how the monthly releases and 3-adventure APS are received before making another major change, but that's just my own guess.

I for one hope they go back to or at least offer in addition too larger APs that take the party from 1-20. The Shackled City campaign is what first brought the good folks at Paizo to my attention and I loved being able to buy a ready made campaign for my party.

That said I dont mind the smaller more regularly released APs provided they release some for mid and late game as well so that we can weave together a campaign that would take the party from 1-20.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i think the smaller entries are great, personally. they move the action along... sometimes the Pathfinder books get lost in a mire.

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Vexies wrote:

I for one hope they go back to or at least offer in addition too larger APs that take the party from 1-20. The Shackled City campaign is what first brought the good folks at Paizo to my attention and I loved being able to buy a ready made campaign for my party.

That said I dont mind the smaller more regularly released APs provided they release some for mid and late game as well so that we can weave together a campaign that would take the party from 1-20.

I second that, I would love mid and late level (1-20 would be nice as well). As it is I am going to have to covert everything in the next APs for higher level play as my group has not desire to roll up new people to play.

Dark Archive

I'm always for more content but I haven't felt like I am lacking anything in the current volumes. It would be a welcome change but nothing I think Paizo needs to change anytime soon.

Yakman wrote:
i think the smaller entries are great, personally. they move the action along... sometimes the Pathfinder books get lost in a mire.

The shorter adventures definitely suit my group's tastes better. (PF modules have generally seemed to drag in our case).

I am missing more lore though - I'm very much hoping for some setting-focussed product (I'm not a fan of the 'mixed bag' approach SF seems to be leaning towards).

Page count is not important to me provided the quality of the adventure is good. I am unimpressed with 3 part and low level AP's , so far none of the AP's inspire me to run them. The current one comes close but unfortunately at the point the game is getting interesting it comes to a crashing end at low level so I have to write my own mid level plus material and the whole point of AP's is that at this time in my life I don't have time to do that. After part 3 of this AP I will probably drop the subscription until we get something that meets my minimum requirements.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Personly i feel like there is missing content and the moduels just play to fast plus id really like a npc section to flesh out the main npcs like the pathfinder ones have


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Any update on the lenght of the AP ?
It is not fun when you stop the campaign at level 13ish, feels cheated to not have all the class options after unless the GM build an homebrew after. Yet the cost is the same as the pathfinder AP.

Lias kb22c wrote:

Any update on the lenght of the AP ?

It is not fun when you stop the campaign at level 13ish, feels cheated to not have all the class options after unless the GM build an homebrew after. Yet the cost is the same as the pathfinder AP.

They are not the same cost. The Pathfinder APs are $24.99, the Starfinder ones are $22.99 because they're shorter.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Lias kb22c wrote:

Any update on the lenght of the AP ?

It is not fun when you stop the campaign at level 13ish, feels cheated to not have all the class options after unless the GM build an homebrew after. Yet the cost is the same as the pathfinder AP.

They should look at starting at 13th for a couple of their three parters. :)

Grand Lodge

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Lias kb22c wrote:

Any update on the length of the AP ?

It is not fun when you stop the campaign at level 13ish, feels cheated to not have all the class options after unless the GM build an homebrew after. Yet the cost is the same as the pathfinder AP.

This was answered in this post by Jason Keeley and this post by Owen KC..

I hope this helps answer your question.


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