Pathfinder Playtest: Scrolls and Attributes

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

Hello fellow Pathfinders,

Another question regarding the playtest:

Do scrolls use the attributes of the person casting the scroll or, like they did in PF1, the mininum attribute required for such a scroll? There is a maximum Spell Roll and DC listed for scrolls, but not one for attributes.

Especially for the scroll of Heal that would be of interest, since without the attribute, the area-version of a Level 1 heal doesn't do anything.

Silver Crusade

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Scrolls use the ability modifier of the caster just like 1st Edition, because the user of the Scroll is considered the caster. They had a minimum ability score needed to cast the spell (which was universal for spell casting), but they didn't apply the Scroll maker's ability mod.

They didn't put that in Scrolls this time since Casters don't need a minimum ability score anymore to cast their spells.

Scarab Sages

Rysky wrote:

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Scrolls use the ability modifier of the caster just like 1st Edition, because the user of the Scroll is considered the caster. They had a minimum ability score needed to cast the spell (which was universal for spell casting), but they didn't apply the Scroll maker's ability mod.

They didn't put that in Scrolls this time since Casters don't need a minimum ability score anymore to cast their spells.

Hey Rysky, I don't want to digress from the original question too much as this is a PF2 question, so spoilers:

Scrolls in PF1:
Use minimum stats/level for DCs and all other variables. They do not use the stats of the person reading the scroll. There is either a cyphermage ability or a feat, I forget which, that allows you to read a scroll and use your own level and stats. The only way this would be different, is if whoever scribed the scroll had the same level and stats as you. But if you scribe a scroll with a 16 Int at level 7, those are the numbers that scroll is stuck with, even if you later read it at level 15 and a 24 Int.

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