monkey33 |
It looks like wish took a huge nerf. Frankly I liked it for the flexibility, but it is sad that now it is usable for only 20th level characters.
Side note (bug?): It looks like Bards can't cast their version of wish (Alter reality) because they currently do not get an option at 20th level to take a feat for that 10th-level spell.
In addition to the more limited play-time of wish (I will be lazy and use wish for all 4 versions of the spell), they are too identical. Shouldn't my glass-cannon Wizard's wish be more powerful than the armor-wearing 8hp/hd caster?
Where the 4 wishes are not identical, the druid and the cleric really take it on the chin. Both of them have the dreaded DM fiat option of "you can't cast this if its use contradicts your god/belief". I mean all the belief type classes already had this restriction; why would you add the poison-pill statement that really means "if your DM doesn't want you to use your Miracle to cast Fireball, you can't"?