Saving Throw DC

Playing the Game

Liberty's Edge

Do character saving throws (Fort, Will, Ref.) scale like the the rest of the skills in the game. So it is your level+ability score mod.+ the other variables.

Thank you.

Yep, you use your proficiency bonus for your saving throws so you add lvl + bonus + penalties :)

Liberty's Edge

Carulio wrote:
Yep, you use your proficiency bonus for your saving throws so you add lvl + bonus + penalties :)

Thank you for the clarification. Have a great week!

As far as I can tell, the only things that don't scale +1 / level (ie don't use proficiency) are:
- Damage
- Attributes
- Hit points (kinda, they do go up evenly per level, just not based on proficiency).
- Gold!

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