Potential Idea to Buff Spell Schools

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

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So, I was re-looking over the War of Immortals playtest, and I had an idea on how to potential buff the Wizard's remastered Spell Schools. Namely by taking a page out of the Animist:

A Wizard gets an extra spell slot per spell rank for School Curriculum spells, right? Well, what if, instead of using that extra slot to prepare the curriculum spells, Wizards could use it to spontaneously cast them?

The idea would be that, since those spells are favored by the Wizard's school, they've developed a sort of 'magical muscle memory' for them and can cast those spells without needing to spend time memorizing them.

Does this sound interesting at all, or does it just sound dumb?

And, of course, keep in mind I'm going off the playtest Animist, not the official version.

Wouldn't really change anything. Gives them slightly more flexibility - assuming you mean they can use those söots for all curriculum spells at all times without needing to prepare a certain number of them like a flexible spellcaster would.

But for most of the current curricula, there's only one good spells per rank anyway - or not even that. If i only end up using like 4 or 5 spells from my curriculum anyway, there's not too much difference between casting them spontaneously or just preparing them.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Making wizards a little more like sorcerers would make them stronger but its kind of the direction dnd went.
I think i would like to see ways that make prepared casting stronger that look different than spontaneous casting.


Yeah it would probably work, but i'd rather see something that isn't just making the wizard more like sorcerer. Unfortunently, I dunno what that is.

Grand Lodge

Bluemagetim wrote:

Making wizards a little more like sorcerers would make them stronger but its kind of the direction dnd went.

I think i would like to see ways that make prepared casting stronger that look different than spontaneous casting.
BotBrain wrote:
Yeah it would probably work, but i'd rather see something that isn't just making the wizard more like sorcerer. Unfortunently, I dunno what that is.

Fair. Another idea I'd had was for special runes meant to be placed on spellbooks that would grant item bonuses to Wizard spells. Like Weapon runes, except for spells. Not meant to be anything SUPER potent but could give prepared casters an extra benefit.


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Mangaholic13 wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:

Making wizards a little more like sorcerers would make them stronger but its kind of the direction dnd went.

I think i would like to see ways that make prepared casting stronger that look different than spontaneous casting.
BotBrain wrote:
Yeah it would probably work, but i'd rather see something that isn't just making the wizard more like sorcerer. Unfortunently, I dunno what that is.
Fair. Another idea I'd had was for special runes meant to be placed on spellbooks that would grant item bonuses to Wizard spells. Like Weapon runes, except for spells. Not meant to be anything SUPER potent but could give prepared casters an extra benefit.

Ooh I like that. Certainly a fun idea if nothing else.

I did homebrew something similar way back, but I just unlocked the 4th slot and let substitute any prepared slot to a curriculum spell, kinda like Magus Standby Spell feat.

Worked well, the player could prepare niche spells without fear of it becoming useless if the situation didn't come up.

Yeah I did something similar. I disagree with people suggesting it is a minor difference, it starts out similar but by mid level when you have an extra 8+ spells you can cast or heighten at will it really helps imo.

Something I added to it was any prepared spell can be swapped out with the school spell with 10 minutes.

My goal was less to make the wizard stronger with the original change and more just to give non universalists a reason for being outside of guaranteed uncommon spell access (teleportarion ftw)

I like the idea but yeah, it is basically lifting from other classes homework in order to solve the issue. Perhaps some of the ideas the community has given could be good. Maybe giving them a choice at first level for spell substitution or spell blending in the same way that cleric picks warpriest or cloistered, as well as keeping Arcane Thesis as a separate way to further tailor your wizard and reworking those options. That alongside expanding the amount of spells a school grants could help smooth over some of the pain points people have complained about with wizard.

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