Universalist wizards and Drain Arcane Focus


"You can choose not to specialize in an arcane school and to instead become a universalist wizard. If you do, you can use Drain Arcane Focus once each day per each spell level you can cast, instead of only once per day. You also gain an extra wizard class feat."

Apparently, it is a valid RAW reading that "use Drain Arcane Focus once each day per each spell level you can cast" means that you can use Drain Arcane Focus an additional number of times per day per each spell level you can cast. Thus, if you can cast 1st- through 9th-level spells, you can use Drain Arcane Focus nine times per day... regardless of spell slot.

Perhaps this should say "use Drain Arcane Focus an additional time each day for each spell level you can cast, instead of only once per day," so as to give a better benefit for low-level wizards, and to actually clean up the wording.

Silver Crusade

It first I thought it was meant to be limited by spell level, but after actually building the character in herolab, and rereading the ability in the book, what they have written really lacks any limitation..it is pretty insane and likely will need a fix soon.

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