Unhappy that bards can't access the heal spell


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I was very disappointed that heal is not on the occult list and therefore bards cannot heal. I feel that is terrible. Bards were a good substitute for clerics on the healing front in PF1 and certain modules such as King Maker subbed a bard for a cleric. I really miss that aspect greatly. You can heal people through music or inspire them with great oratory and poetry. Please correct this oversight Paizo!

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They already get the Soothe spell, which is a reasonable substitute for Heal. It's not exactly the same, but it feels plenty good for a party healer.

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rooneg wrote:
They already get the Soothe spell, which is a reasonable substitute for Heal.

I disagree. It isn't a good substitution for Heal. BUT it is a good substitution for the Cure Wounds spell line. I don't mean to be pedantic but I could see people calling out Soothe as inadequate.

IMO it is completely acceptable for bards to not get Heal. Heal is PF2e's version of channel energy with a hefty spike when you narrow it down to a single target. Bards never got channel energy in PF1e, so I see no reason to expect them to have it for PF2e. Soothe is a perfectly adequate replacement for Cure Wounds.

A hasted inspire couraging bard could take the following actions when using Soothe.

1st Action: Inspire Courage
2nd and 3rd Action: Soothe (target)
4th Action: Attack (full BAB attack)

FYI: I made the exact same as OP as I didn't think to see what Soothe did as a spell.

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