MerlinCross |
First off, sad to see Master of Styles in the state it's in. Wonder if we'll be able to combine them later on in PF2 life span.
But that brings me to the actual topic. So it takes an Action to Swap from Style to Style right?
Master of Many Styles - Trigger Your turn Begins.
"You use an Action with the Style Tag"
I actually had to reread that a few times before I think I get what it means.
"At the start of your turn, you may enter/take/use a New Stance".
Can we maybe change the writing there? That seems a tad confusing or at least weird to say out loud otherwise.
Yossarian |
That notation has been used a lot around the book, it's logically very precise which is good but unintuitive until you have your head wrapped around it. ie: unintuitive.
The key is that Master of Many styles is a free action (per the icon), triggered by the start of your turn.
Using It enables you to 'use any one action with the stance trait': which currently are all the 'enter the X stance' actions.
It'll be interesting if they add any monk feats in the future that have the stance trait that do other things, since they all become free actions with the Master of Many Styles.