Building a shadow focused character (for PFS)


What would make for the best shadow focused character (PFS legal - so no gloomblade flighters at the moment however awesome they are).

Assume that I own most PFS sanctioned materials.

I was considering a gnome or wayang Oracle with the Shadow mystery (there are a few ways to gain wizard spells of the shadow subschool as such an oracle as divine spells onto the oracle spell list (and as bonus spells known) - however the revelation that grants this seems best taken at a fairly high level (since it adds a max of 1/2 oracle class level number of spells up to your CHA modifier - so the highest CHA possible and taken at the highest level gives the best benefit)

There is also another revelation that allows such an oracle to apply the shadow template to any creatures summoned that would usually get the celestial or fiendish template - so summoning shadow creatures would be a viable tactic for such an oracle.

However balancing the feats needed - to boost illusion spells as well as conjuration summoning as well as any feats specific to shadow related spells might make for a very difficult build.

Any suggestions?

(the basic idea was that there are lot of ways to make illusions (and specifically shadow subschool spells) function at higher DCs and at higher CL levels (and deal higher amounts of damage to people who save vs the illusion) - and the massive flexibility it could offer might fit a spontaneous caster very very well.

But the challenge is how do to so while being fun to play at all levels of PFS play (1-11) and having options against any foes if illusion spells don't work well.

(and I'm open to prestige classes or to multiclassing if the benefits are strong enough and fit the theme - i.e. would a level of wizard (shadow school) which includes a free spell focus (in place of scribe scroll) be useful for this build? (which might open up mystic theurge as an option) or would a level as a sorcerer (perhaps tattooed sorcerer) offer benefits? Sorcerer of course being CHA based being an easier to fit in multiclass option)

The dark secrets revelation on the shadow mystery includes this bit: 'Each time you gain an oracle level after taking this revelation, you can choose to replace one of these spells for a new appropriate spell on the sorcerer/wizard spell list.'

This means you can take it at level 1 and just change one out each level. Sure, if you take it at level 11 you can get ~6 5th level spells, but just changing them each oracle level you'd have a couple of 5th level spells and a couple of 4th level spells at the same point. Though actually you probably wouldn't take it until you have 2nd level spells as there aren't good 1st level spells of these types.

If you're going to take a prestige class then veiled illusionist is the obvious one. The dual-cursed oracle archetype allows you to make enemies reroll saves which is obviously useful to this character. It might be easier to deal with if you don't take veiled illusionist as then at least one curse keeps scaling up at full level, but it's not impossible.

A possible build might go
Gnome (faerie dragon magic) dual cursed oracle 11

1: Improved initiative
Revelation 1: Misfortune
3: Augment summoning
Revelation 3: Army of darkness
5: Spell focus (illusion)
Revelation 5: Dark secrets
7: Effortless trickery
Revelation 7: Wings of darkness
9: Expanded summon monster
11: Solid shadows
Revelation 11: Shadow mastery

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