Why don't empyreal lords have resurrect

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I noticed most the the outsider type lords (such as demon lords or archdevils) have the ability to auto-resurrect once per year.However for some reason empyreal lords are the only such creatures that don't have this ability. Is this a mistake?

Evil is selfish, and it shows in abilities of creatures made of evil. Also, evil lords kinda need this ability because of all the in-fighting and scheming thats going on down there. On the other hand, empyreals do not need to fear being overthrown by their subjects, and even if killed, they take their defeat more greacefully, instead of clinging to existence.

Another factor may be that the good deities would likely resurrect an Empyreal lord where an evil deity is unlikely to resurrect the evil counterpart.

Empyreal Lords are less true deities and more like heroes among their particular type. Like an Azata Empyreal Lord is more like Achilles, not Mars. Make sense?

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
Empyreal Lords are less true deities and more like heroes among their particular type. Like an Azata Empyreal Lord is more like Achilles, not Mars. Make sense?

That's strictly untrue. Demon lords/infernal dukes/daemonic harbingers and empyreal lords are direct equivalents, but opposite alignment. They are not weaker, nor stronger than the evil ones.

Because they can't have nice things?

Myrryr wrote:
Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
Empyreal Lords are less true deities and more like heroes among their particular type. Like an Azata Empyreal Lord is more like Achilles, not Mars. Make sense?
That's strictly untrue. Demon lords/infernal dukes/daemonic harbingers and empyreal lords are direct equivalents, but opposite alignment. They are not weaker, nor stronger than the evil ones.

Actually, CR-wise the evil equivilant to the Empyreal Lords are the Demon Lord, Archdevils and Horsemen. The infernal dukes and deamonic harbingers are on par with nancest demon lords and minor empyreal lords.

Potato disciple wrote:
Myrryr wrote:
Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
Empyreal Lords are less true deities and more like heroes among their particular type. Like an Azata Empyreal Lord is more like Achilles, not Mars. Make sense?
That's strictly untrue. Demon lords/infernal dukes/daemonic harbingers and empyreal lords are direct equivalents, but opposite alignment. They are not weaker, nor stronger than the evil ones.
Actually, CR-wise the evil equivilant to the Empyreal Lords are the Demon Lord, Archdevils and Horsemen. The infernal dukes and deamonic harbingers are on par with nancest demon lords and minor empyreal lords.

Depends pretty heavily on individuals at that point. Nocticula might be CR 30, and so is Cernunnos, but Kostschie and Korada are both only CR 26.

As an aside, Achaekek the Mantis God (a demigod who is not part of any 'group' like the demon lords, archdevils, etc.,) is also CR 30.

Achaekek is 3.5e, in pathfinder he's a true god. But that hasn't anything to do with my point - demigods are CR 26-30, nancest demigods are CR 21-25. Demon Lord, Archdevils and the Horsemen are all CR 26-30 while Infernal dukes daemonic harbingers and nancest demon lords are CR 21-25.

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