Post your GenCon 2018 GM Schedule here!

GM Discussion

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Post your GenCon 2018 GM Schedule. Feel free to copy and paste as needed.

Slot 1 Thursday AM:....... OFF
Slot 2 Thursday Afternoon:.. OFF
Slot 3 Thursday PM*:...... OFF
Slot 4 Thursday Overnight:.. OFF
Slot 5 Friday AM:......... OFF
Slot 6 Friday Afternoon:.. OFF
Slot 7 Friday PM*:........ OFF
Slot 8 Friday Overnight:... OFF
Slot 9 Saturday AM:....... OFF
Slot 10 Saturday Afternoon:. OFF
Slot 11 Saturday PM*:.. SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (5-6)
Slot 12 Saturday Overnight:.. OFF
Slot 13 Sunday AM:......... OFF

I am only running one table this year because I will have my son and we will enjoy the con.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Con!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ SFS 1-05 The First Mandate
Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... SFS 1-05 The First Mandate
Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ OFF
Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... SFS 1-05 The First Mandate
Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... SFS 1-05 The First Mandate
Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... OFF
Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... OFF
Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. SFS 1-05 The First Mandate
Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... SFS 1-05 The First Mandate
Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (3-4)
Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 13 0900ǂ-1400 Sunday AM:.................... SFS 1-05 The First Mandate

So much The First Mandate....

The Concordance 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Kansas City

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Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ OFF (GMing Planet Mercenary at JW)
Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... PFS 9-09 Beyond the Halflight Path
Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ OFF (unscheduled as of now but may fill between now and GenCon)
Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... OFF (Sleep, maybe)
Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... OFF (GMing Planet Mercenary at JW)
Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... PFS 9-06 The Shores of Heaven
Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... OFF (Playing 10-00)
Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... OFF (Sleep, maybe)
Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. OFF (GMing Planet Mercenary at JW)
Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... PFS 9-06 The Shores of Heaven
Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ OFF (Playing Savage Worlds MHI at JW)
Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... OFF (Sleep, maybe)
Slot 13 0900ǂ-1400 Sunday AM:.................... OFF (Playing 10-03)

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Slot 1 Thursday AM:................ PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
Slot 2 Thursday Afternoon:..... PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
Slot 3 Thursday PM*:................ OFF (Playing Solstice Scar C!)
Slot 4 Thursday Overnight:...... OFF (Sleep!)
Slot 5 Friday AM:...................... PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
Slot 6 Friday Afternoon:.......... PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
Slot 7 Friday PM*:..................... PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 10-11)
Slot 8 Friday Overnight:........... OFF (Sleep!)
Slot 9 Saturday AM:................. PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
Slot 10 Saturday Afternoon:..... PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
Slot 11 Saturday PM*:................ SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (3-4)
Slot 12 Saturday Overnight:...... OFF (Drinking, Then Sleep!)
Slot 13 Sunday AM:.................... PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones

If you are playing Seeker Scenarios at GenCon, you're stuck with me >:D

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Slot 1 Thursday AM:................ PFS 10-03 Death on the Ice
Slot 2 Thursday Afternoon:..... PFS 10-03 Death on the Ice
Slot 3 Thursday PM:................ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 7-8)
Slot 5 Friday AM:...................... PFS 10-03 Death on the Ice
Slot 6 Friday Afternoon:.......... Shopping & the Rockalypse!
Slot 7 Friday PM:..................... PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 7-8)
Slot 9 Saturday AM:................. PFS 10-03 Death on the Ice
Slot 10 Saturday Afternoon:..... PFS 10-03 Death on the Ice
Slot 11 Saturday PM:................ Playing in starfinder special
Slot 13 Sunday AM:.................... PFS 10-03 Death on the Ice

There will be a lot of death on the ice.

1/5 5/5

There will be a lot of drowning on Rose Street, apparently.

Slot 0 ???? Wednesday:.................. Help with Sag set-up, hopefully!

Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God

Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God

Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ OFF (SLEEP!)

Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge

Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge

Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... OFF (Chill?)

Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... OFF (SLEEP!)

Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge

Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God

Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... OFF (Chill?)

Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ OFF (SLEEP!)

Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge

Slot 13 0900ǂ-1400 Sunday AM:.................... PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God

Slot 14* ???? Sunday PM:.................... GM MTG, Help with Banner Takedown (?)

The Exchange 1/5 5/5 ***

Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:........... Play Archlord's Envy

Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:.... GM Archlord's Envy

Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:.......... GM PFS 8-99C Soltice Scar(1-2)

Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:.... OFF (Sleep!)

Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:..............OFF (Exhibit Hall)

Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......Play SFS 1-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past

Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:.............GM PFS 10-00 Hao Jin Cataclysm(1-2)

Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:...... OFF (Sleep!)

Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:............Play PFS 9-12 Shrine of the Sacred Tempest

Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:....GM SFS 1-18 Blackmoon Survey

Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM............GM SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars(1-2)

Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:... OFF(Sleep!)

Slot 13 0900-1400 Sunday AM:...........Play PFS 10-01 Oathbreakers Die

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

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My Gen Con schedule... pretty good, actually
Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ SFS 1-20 Duskmire Accord 9
Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... SFS 1-20 Duskmire Accord 9
Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 5-6)
Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... [Playing Arclord's Envy]
Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... SFS 1-20 Duskmire Accord 9
Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 5-6)
Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... OFF
Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. [Playing Death on the Ice]
Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... SFS 1-20 Duskmire Accord 9
Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (5-6)
Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 13 0900ǂ-1400 Sunday AM:.................... SFS 1-20 Duskmire Accord 9

5/5 5/55/5

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For a GM who is always super well prepped- having 4 of 5 scenarios that I won't likely receive until a week before gencon has me super stressed.

Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:....... SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow
Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon: SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow
Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:...... PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 7-8)
Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:............... OFF
Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.....SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow
Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:.. ..... PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 10-11)
Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........ OFF
Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:............. OFF
Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:. SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow
Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:..... SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (3-4)
Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 13 0900-1400 Sunday AM:......... SFS 1-19 To Conquer the Dragon

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

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Slot 1 Thursday AM:................SFS 1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!!
Slot 2 Thursday Afternoon:.....SFS 1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!!
Slot 3 Thursday PM:................PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (5-6)
Slot 4 Thursday Overnight:......OFF (Zzz...)

Slot 5 Friday AM:......................OFF (...zzz)
Slot 6 Friday Afternoon:...........SFS 1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!!
Slot 7 Friday PM:.....................PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (10-11)
Slot 8 Friday Overnight:...........OFF (Zzz...)

Slot 9 Saturday AM:.................OFF (...zzz)
Slot 10 Saturday Afternoon:.....SFS 1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!!
Slot 11 Saturday PM:................SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (3-4)
Slot 12 Saturday Overnight:......OFF (zzzzzz)

Slot 13 Sunday AM:....................SFS 1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!!

In keeping with a now five-years-running tradition, "The Dire GM" will attempt to fly a Jolly Roger at his table during all listed slots!

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Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God
Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... OFF
Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 1-2)
Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God
Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God
Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 1-2)
Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... OFF
Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God
Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God
Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ OFF
Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... OFF
Slot 13 0900ǂ-1400 Sunday AM:.................... PFS 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God

At least I don't have much prep? \(o.o)/

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

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Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Because I don't know better this is my Gen Con schedule:

Slot -1 1230-1700 Wednesday PM:................SFS 1-12 Ashes of Discovery at Scotty's Brewhouse (4 Players, Full Table in the Bar Area)
Slot 0 1900-2330 Wednesday PPM................SFS 1-16 Dreaming of the Future at Union Station (Sold Out)
Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow (8 Tickets Sold, Two Tables so likely firing)
Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow (10 Tickets Sold, Two Tables so definitely firing)
Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ OFF (Sleep if I can manage)
Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow (2 Tickets Sold, so could go either way)
Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... [Play] Arclord's Envy
Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow (Sold Out)
Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... OFF (Sleep)
Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow (1 Ticket Sold, probably not firing) (Wake Up, Run Table if it Fires, If Not More Sleep)
Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. OFF (Sleep if my table fired, if not do some exhibit hall stuff)
Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... [Play] Raiders of Shrieking Peak
Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (1-2) (Sold Out)
Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow (Sold Out)
Slot 13 0900ǂ-1400 Sunday AM:.................... SFS 1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow (Sold Out)
Slot 13.2 1400-1500 Sunday PM:.................... Roll For Combat Podcast Meetup & Q&A
Slot 13.4 1500-1600 Sunday PM:.................... Pokemon Go Meetup
Slot 14 1600-2100 Sunday PM:.................... [Play] SFS 1-15 Save the Renkrodas

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Those of us on the Demo tables in the Exhibit hall have a different slot schedule from those in the Sagamore.


Slot 0 ???? Wednesday:.................. Help with Sag set-up, hopefully!

Wednesday Night (VC Dinner)

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★


DEMO Slot 1 1000-1800 Thursday:...... Pathfinder 2E Playtest Demonstration (Exhibit hall)

DEMO Slot 2 1000-1800 Friday:............ Pathfinder 2E Playtest Demonstration (Exhibit hall)

DEMO Slot 3 1000-1800 Saturday:....... Pathfinder 2E Playtest Demonstration (Exhibit hall)

SAGAMORE Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday:....... [Play] SFS 1-99 Scoured Stars Invasion (Tier 5-6)

DEMO Slot 4 1000-1600 Sunday:.......... Pathfinder 2E Playtest Demonstration (Exhibit hall)

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★


GM SFS 1-15 Save the Renkrodas for some other volunteers, including Shaudius!

Interested in some post GenCon SFS? There are still spots on Masked Ferret's table!

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ SFS 1-18 The Blackmoon Survey

Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... SFS 1-18 The Blackmoon Survey

Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 7-8) (Sup, Quinn?)

Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... Drankin

Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... Dealer Hall

Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... SFS 1-18 The Blackmoon Survey

Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 7-8)

Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... OFF

Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. SFS 1-18 The Blackmoon Survey

Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... SFS 1-18 The Blackmoon Survey

Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (3-4)

Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... Drankin

Slot 13 0900ǂ-1400 Sunday AM:.................... OFF

1/5 5/5


I notice you have Drankin as one of your activities.

As I will be unavoidably detained running during the Overnight slots, could you please do some Drankin for me?

You can be my Designated Dranker, much like Thursty is for John Compton...

4/5 **

Slot 1 - Thursday AM - Off (Already secured a ticket to play the Playtest)
Slot 2 - Thursday Afternoon - PFS 10-01 Oathbreakers Die
Slot 3 - Thursday PM - PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (Level 3-4)
Slot 4 - Thursday Overnight - OFF (dedz)
Slot 5 - Friday AM - PFS 10-01 Oathbreakers Die
Slot 6 - Friday Afternoon - PFS 10-01 Oathbreakers Die
Slot 7 - Friday PM - PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (Level 3-4)
Slot 8 - Friday Overnight - OFF (dedz)
Slot 9 - Saturday AM - PFS 10-01 Oathbreakers Die
Slot 10 - Saturday Afternoon - PFS 10-01 Oathbreakers Die
Slot 11 - Saturday PM - OFF (???)
Slot 12 - Saturday Overnight - OFF (dedz)
Slot 13 - Sunday AM - PFS 10-01 Oathbreakers Die

{Related News: Does anybody have a Flip-Mat for Seedy Tavern I could borrow for the convention? Or is it ok if I get a copy of it printed for the con?}

At this point, I'm hoping to meet some people pre or post GenCon. I fly in very early Wednesday (land around 11 AM) and fly out later on Monday (take-off around 8 PM). So, my intention is to get all my food shopping done Wednesday and then spend most of Sunday and Monday relaxing, maybe actually playing an impromptu session or two.

I'm also looking forward to meeting a whole bunch of forum denizens and other folks.

4/5 **

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And assuming all my tables fire, I'll be hitting 4 stars at GenCon.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Wageslave wrote:


I notice you have Drankin as one of your activities.

As I will be unavoidably detained running during the Overnight slots, could you please do some Drankin for me?

You can be my Designated Dranker, much like Thursty is for John Compton...


Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Joe Bouchard wrote:


And assuming all my tables fire, I'll be hitting 4 stars at GenCon.


Silver Crusade 4/5

jon dehning wrote:

Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 7-8) (Sup, Quinn?)

Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... Drankin

Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... Dealer Hall

Sup, Jon!

It occurs to me that I gave up my Dealer Hall slot. Perhaps... I'll be able to squeeze it in between running adventures?

Also, I might have to pass on some of the 'Drankin' to actually run Seeker Scenarios to the fullest over the weekend!

I'll be sure to make Saturday Count!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Slot 1 Thursday AM:....... OFF
Slot 2 Thursday Afternoon:.. SFS 1-11 In the Pursuit of the Scoured Past
Slot 3 Thursday PM*:...... PFS 8-99C The Soltice Scar (lvl 7-8)
Slot 4 Thursday Overnight:.. OFF
Slot 5 Friday AM:......... SFS 1-01 The Commencement
Slot 6 Friday Afternoon:.. SFS 1-11 In the Pursuit of the Scoured Past
Slot 7 Friday PM*:........ PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclsym (lvl 7-8)
Slot 8 Friday Overnight:... OFF
Slot 9 Saturday AM:....... SFS 1-01 The Commencement
Slot 10 Saturday Afternoon:. SFS 1-11 In the Pursuit of the Scoured Past
Slot 11 Saturday PM*:.. SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (lvl 3-4)
Slot 12 Saturday Overnight:.. OFF
Slot 13 Sunday AM:......... OFF

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Quinn Shannon wrote:
jon dehning wrote:

Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 7-8) (Sup, Quinn?)

Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... Drankin

Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... Dealer Hall

Sup, Jon!

It occurs to me that I gave up my Dealer Hall slot. Perhaps... I'll be able to squeeze it in between running adventures?

Also, I might have to pass on some of the 'Drankin' to actually run Seeker Scenarios to the fullest over the weekend!

I'll be sure to make Saturday Count!

I'll do my best to make sure we have plenty of time Thursday night.

1/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Australia—WA—

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Although not 100% finalised I believe my schedule will be:

Tuesday: Flight arrives around 16:30
Wednesday: Time TBD setup Character Creation Station (CCS) in Sagamore Ballroom and possibly assist with LWD booth setup.
13:00-17:00 Collect volunteer packet from HQ


Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................CCS

Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:.......2E Playtest: Arclord's Envy

Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM:................OFF

Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:.......OFF

Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:....................CCS

Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:........... 2E Playtest: Arclord's Envy

Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM:....................OFF Hoping a spot in PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclsym becomes available

Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:...........OFF

Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:...............CCS

Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:....... 2E Playtest: Arclord's Envy

Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM:................OFF

Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:.......OFF

Slot 13 0900-1400 Sunday AM:.................CCS

Sunday: Pack up CCS then ...
sometime after 16:00 The Masked Ferret's SFS Repeatable or PFS Evergreen
Monday: Flight departs around 10:00 - back in time for my usual Monday evening game in Bellevue.


Some blank space to move my nice formatting down lower.
0800-1300 Thursday AM............ 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
2000-0100 Thursday PM............ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 3-4)
0200-0700 Thursday Overnight OFF
0800-1300 Friday AM.................. 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
1400-1900 Friday Afternoon...... OFF
2000-0100 Friday PM.................. PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 3-4)
0200-0700 Friday Overnight....... OFF
0800-1300 Saturday AM............. 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon. 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
2000-0100 Saturday PM.............. PLAY: SFS 1-99: Invasion of the Scoured Stars (Levels 1-2)
0200-0700 Saturday Overnight.. OFF
0900-1400 Sunday AM................ 2E Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
.................. Sunday PM................. Find a pick-up game?

1/5 5/5

People have been making notes of going in on Tuesday.

Since I haven't heard anything back about the room from GMing, is anyone staying downtown and has space Tuesday that I could meet up with/arrange crash space with as I'll be in Tuesday afternoon?

...I'd try to finagle a room myself (for Tuesday, OPF has the weekend arrangements in the works), but if someone has already done the legwork and has space it might be more prudent to Cooperate in such an Exploration, Reporting availability?

Thank you very much for your time in advance.

1/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Australia—WA—

GM Wageslave, I am one of those arriving Tuesday but my accommodation is provided by LWD so I have nothing to offer. Sorry.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Numbat, what is CCS? Oops, never mind, I see it now!

I assume by LWD that you work for Lone Wolf Development (aka HeroLab)?

1/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Australia—WA—

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I volunteer for Lone Wolf Development rather than work for them but yes, I will be staffing the Hero Lab station. That is how I stumbled into OP. I figured after last year (my first time doing this) that if I was going to help brand new players develop PFS characters, I better become more familiar with PFS. Now I have a wonderful community in my life that I thoroughly enjoy.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

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My Schedule, all pretty-like.


Tuesday: Arrive in Indy. Maybe play Pokemon Go. Hunt for Magic/Pathfinder players around the town. Relax. Last minute prep?

Wedensday: Two games at Scotty's Brewhouse and a Venture-critter meet-up.

Slot 1 0800-1300 Thursday AM:................ 2E Playtest: Raiders of Shrieking Peak

Slot 2 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon:..... 2E Playtest: Raiders of Shrieking Peak

Slot 3 2000-0100 Thursday PM*:................ PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 5-6)

Slot 4 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight:...... OFF

Slot 5 0800-1300 Friday AM:...................... 2E Playtest: Raiders of Shrieking Peak

Slot 6 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon:.......... 2E Playtest: Raiders of Shrieking Peak

Slot 7 2000-0100 Friday PM*:..................... PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 5-6)

Slot 8 0200-0700 Friday Overnight:........... OFF

Slot 9 0800-1300 Saturday AM:................. 2E Playtest: Raiders of Shrieking Peak

Slot 10 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon:..... 2E Playtest: Raiders of Shrieking Peak

Slot 11 2000-0100 Saturday PM*:................ OFF

Slot 12 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight:...... OFF

I actually leave Sunday at Noon unless I can play a tournament at 7:00 PM on Saturday and win, in which case I'm staying until the Thursday after the con (the next cheap flight) since that tournament qualifies for an 8 man tournament later on sunday where last place is still a couple grand...

GM Wageslave wrote:

People have been making notes of going in on Tuesday.

Since I haven't heard anything back about the room from GMing, is anyone staying downtown and has space Tuesday that I could meet up with/arrange crash space with as I'll be in Tuesday afternoon?

...I'd try to finagle a room myself (for Tuesday, OPF has the weekend arrangements in the works), but if someone has already done the legwork and has space it might be more prudent to Cooperate in such an Exploration, Reporting availability?

Thank you very much for your time in advance.

I got a room in the Westin for Tuesday and no other roommates right now.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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Slot 1 Thursday AM:....... Quest: 2E Playtest/Starfinder
Slot 2 Thursday Afternoon:.. Quest: 2E Playtest/Starfinder
Slot 3 Thursday PM*:...... Playing PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (5-6)
Slot 4 Thursday Overnight:.. Sleep!

Slot 5 Friday AM:......... Quest: 2E Playtest/Starfinder
Slot 6 Friday Afternoon:.. Quest: 2E Playtest/Starfinder
Slot 7 Friday PM*:........ Playing PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (9-11)
Slot 8 Friday Overnight:... Sleep!

Slot 9 Saturday AM:....... Quest: 2E Playtest/Starfinder
Slot 10 Saturday Afternoon:. Quest: 2E Playtest/Starfinder
Slot 11 Saturday PM*:.. SFS 1-99 Invasion of the Scoured Stars (3-4)
Slot 12 Saturday Overnight:.. Sleep!

Slot 13 Sunday AM:......... Quest: 2E Playtest/Starfinder

4/5 **

Dustin Knight wrote:

My Schedule, all pretty-like.

** spoiler omitted **

Oooh, that reminds me. Spend some spare time Wednesday and Monday playing Ingress :-)

1/5 5/5


Sent you a response to your post via PM.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Slot 1: 0800-1300 Thursday AM: PFS 9-13 The Lion's Justice
Slot 2: 1400-1900 Thursday Afternoon: OFF
Slot 3: 2000-0100 Thursday PM: PFS 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 10-11)
Slot 4: 0200-0700 Thursday Overnight: OFF
Slot 5: 0800-1300 Friday AM: PFS 9-13 The Lion's Justice
Slot 6: 1400-1900 Friday Afternoon: PFS 9-13 The Lion's Justice
Slot 7: 2000-0100 Friday PM: PFS 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (level 10-11)
Slot 8: 0200-0700 Friday Overnight: OFF
Slot 9: 0800-1300 Saturday AM: PFS 9-13 The Lion's Justice
Slot 10: 1400-1900 Saturday Afternoon: PFS 9-13 The Lion's Justice
Slot 11: 2000-0100 Saturday PM: OFF
Slot 12: 0200-0700 Saturday Overnight: OFF
Slot 13: 0900-1400 Sunday AM: PFS 9-13 The Lion's Justice


Thurs AM: 10-03 Death On The Ice [3rd star table]
Thurs Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Thurs PM: 8-99 The Solstice Scar [3-4]
Thurs Over: gone fishin' [drinking]
Fri AM: Zzz
Fri Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Fri PM: 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm [5-6]
Fri Over: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Sat AM: Zzz
Sat Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Sat PM: SFS 1-99 Invasion Of The Scoured Stars [1-2]
Sat Over: gone fishin' [drinking]

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Mista Moore wrote:

Thurs AM: 10-03 Death On The Ice [3rd star table]

Thurs Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Thurs PM: 8-99 The Solstice Scar [3-4]
Thurs Over: gone fishin' [drinking]
Fri AM: Zzz
Fri Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Fri PM: 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm [5-6]
Fri Over: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Sat AM: Zzz
Sat Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Sat PM: SFS 1-99 Invasion Of The Scoured Stars [1-2]
Sat Over: gone fishin' [drinking]

Ice fishing, apparently.

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