Reacquiring a forfeited domain


...I'd have sworn there was a feat that permitted taking another of your deity's domains (which would obviously be useful if you were an cleric or other applicable class archetype that forfeited one or both of them). Couldn't find it on Nethy's, so.... <post>

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Perchance you've been internalizing PF2 already?

You could also pick Expanded Domain to explore your deity's domains further, gaining the initial power from a different domain than the first one you chose. You can select this feat twice, letting you delve into a maximum of three domains!

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I've been to the future in a dream! Yay!

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the exalted prestige class grant you one domain to use it's power at exalted class level and if you have divine caster levels you also get the domain spells as sla 1/day each.
(which in some cases is uber-powerfull. magic domain sub-domain divine will get resurrection once he can cast 7th level spells and miracle for when he can cast 9th. and since it's spell like ability no costly material)

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