Healing from negative to posative hp

Rules Questions

Say you were down to -9 hp and a cleric heals you with cure light wounds for 5 hp, are you now at -4hp or at 5 hp? Actual game rules

Nowhere in the rules does it say anything about healing giving you HP from 0.
The rules use normal math, so you'd be on -4 HP, still unconscious, but if you hadn't already stabilised, you would now be stable and not losing 1 HP/round

Andy Brown wrote:

Nowhere in the rules does it say anything about healing giving you HP from 0.

The rules use normal math, so you'd be on -4 HP, still unconscious, but if you hadn't already stabilised, you would now be stable and not losing 1 HP/round

Kk ty guess i was mistaking a house rule for an actual rule.

Having said all that, we need to see what happens in Pathfinder 2nd Edition, in which negative hit points aren't a thing any more (just 4 ranks of Dying, of which Dying 4 = Dead). I think somebody actually gave the answer somewhere, but I don't remember which blog it was in.

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