EvilMinion |
So a mount and its rider are considered to be sharing their space.
A tiny sized foe needs to move into its opponents space to attack (provoking for doing so).
If said tiny sized foe attacks the rider... does the mount also get an attack of opportunity, since its space and the riders space are considered the same?

EvilMinion |
Followup situation!
What if it is a tiny-sized rider, on a small (or larger) sized mount.
Since the tiny rider is sharing a space with a larger mount, the tiny rider's space is suddenly larger? And thus foe would then provoke from both for attacking the rider he normally would not provoke from if it were not on the mount?

Fuzzy-Wuzzy |

Followup situation!
What if it is a tiny-sized rider, on a small (or larger) sized mount.
Since the tiny rider is sharing a space with a larger mount, the tiny rider's space is suddenly larger? And thus foe would then provoke from both for attacking the rider he normally would not provoke from if it were not on the mount?
Good question! IMO the Tiny rider is not provoked, because he still has less than a square of reach even if he currently takes up a whole square due to being mounted. I expect there are contrary arguments, though.

merpius |
The foe would provoke from the mount for leaving a threatened square, but not from the rider, since the rider does not threaten the square that the foe left, unless the rider was wielding a reach weapon, in which case they WOULD threaten the next square (but not the square they are in). If one or both gets an attack of opprtunity from this, then they would not get the next opprotunity; when a Fine, Diminutive, or Tiny creature moves into a square (as it must to make an attack) that ALSO provokes an attack of opportunity; I don't think any creature occupies a smaller space than a single square, and, in order to even attack, a Tiny or smaller creature must enter the square of the target; so, regardless of the mount's space, if the foe is attacking the (Tiny) rider, it must enter that rider's space, so that action would provoke an attack of opprotunity from the rider (and the mount, since the mount is in that space too). But, since it is only one movement, both conditions would not apply.
So, all that said, yes, a Tiny rider would still get an AoO on a Tiny attacker who made a melee attack against them.