Becarri |
I have just started my first campaign and my GM had us choose 2 classes for our character. I chose to be an unchained monk/cleric that’s half human and half dragon. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the max amount of attacks my character would be able to get to and potentially a good build for it

Turambar |

Two! You can either use your claw attacks (d4) or you can use your flurry of blows class feature to make two unarmed strikes (d6), but take a -2 on both attacks.
As for your build, Irori is probably your friend. If you want to be a good punchy guy, Cleric of Irori with the Crusader archetype and the Strength(Fist) domain is a good start. If you want some really neat tricks go Divine Paragon archetype and you'll end up with the Deific Boons of Irori.

Becarri |
Thank you very much! Those sound like good builds. As for the attacks, I know as I get higher in levels my flurry of blows does more attacks. How many attacks could my particular build do when I get to like level 20? I’m just asking cause I’m wanting to get metal dice and wanna find out how many of what kind of dice I should get

Derklord |

Unchained Monk "only" gets two bonus attack from Flurry (one at 1st level, the second ad 11th level). In addition, bonus attack come from spendign a Ki point, and from Haste, Blessing of Fervor, or a similar effect. Under normal circumstances, that results in up to 8 attacks per round, three of which are at reduces attack bonus, so if you want to roll all your attack rolls at once, you'd need distinguishable dice for each one of those.
I don't really understand the basics of your character, could you go a bit more into that? DO you plan on multiclassing, or do you gain the benefits of both classes at the same time (called gestalt)? And what racial bonuses does your character get?
@Turambar: Unchained Monk's Flurry doesn't have the -2. In addition, it should be noted that Flurry can be used with a multitude of weapons, some of which deal up to 1d10 damage.