New players seeking GM for Call of Cthulhu PbP Game


My brother and I have taken an interest in CoC. While I'm an experienced play-by-poster with Pathfinder, he's new to the format, and neither of us has any experience actually playing CoC. Are there any Keepers out there interested in starting a Cthulhu game with new investigators? We're open to inviting other players too, of course, but thought it would be fun to play together.

Hello! I'm the brother and looking forward to jumping into the world of CoC. I have the Investigator's Handbook 7th ed and have been having a great time reading through the content and creating a character. Looking forward to playing!

I have a current set of Investigators and if you would be interested in joining a current campaign could fit in two new PCs.

The Module I am running is Beyond the Mountains of Madness.

Hey SS, that sounds awesome! Would you like us to drop into Discussion?

Discussion Thread - ...and Madness Followed.

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