Can sonic damage affect creatures in water

Rules Questions

My dm states sonic damage will not travel through water. I am a soundstriker bard. I want to use wierd words to hit a creature for sonic damage that is underwater. Is he right?

Silver Crusade

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The Mantis Shrimp would like to have words with your DM.

(that's a real creature that, though smaller, hunts by using sonic bursts underwater)

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Sound travels better in water than air. If anything, you should do more damage!

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Thanks guys your awesome !

Silver Crusade

No problem ^w^

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would say no if you're not in the water. While sound does travel very well underwater, this is only the case if the sound originates in the water.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The Pathfinder Campaign Setting book Aquatic Adventures has the following to say on sonic effects underwater:

Sonic Spells: While sound travels four times faster and farther in water than air, it also takes more energy to do so, so in the end sonic spells have the same results underwater as they do on land. At the GM’s discretion, a spellcaster can choose to instead double the range or area, halve the damage, and decrease the DC by 2 for sonic attacks.

I've also flagged this as being in the wrong forum, this question belongs in the rules forum.

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If sound doesn't travel through water, then how does sonar work? Dolphins use echolocation underwater, which is sound-based. Has your DM never heard whale song?

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