Tonya Woldridge Organized Play Manager |
12 people marked this as a favorite. |
At PaizoCon 2018, we debuted the Concordance faction pin from Campaign Coins.
Below is the updated list of pin perks. We will get the policy document updated asap, but this post activates the Concordance benefits.
Faction Pin Benefit:
Once per session, while wearing a faction pin matching your character's faction, you may add 1 to any skill check. If you apply this benefit to one of your faction's favored skills, listed below, you instead roll 1d4 and add the result. For this roll you also treat the faction's favored skill as if you were trained, even if you don't have a rank in it.
Favored Skills
• Dark Archive: Knowledge (arcana), Linguistics, and Use Magic Device
• The Exchange: Appraise, Intimidate, and Knowledge (local)
• Grand Lodge: Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), and Survival
• Liberty's Edge: Escape Artist, Perform, and Disable Device
• Scarab Sages: Knowledge (any)
• Silver Crusade: Heal, Knowledge (religion), and Sense Motive
• Sovereign Court: Bluff, Disguise, and Knowledge (nobility)
• The Concordance: Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (plane)
Terminalmancer |
Do we have to add the one or 1d4 before the roll, or can we add it after? What about after results would normally be known? Basically, what's the timing for the addition being allowed?
I've been trying to keep track of these things since many of the clarifications are posted in responses to blog posts that can be tough to find in Google.
According to a clarification posted by John Compton on the original blog post, you need to choose to use your faction pin benefit before you roll.
PonyFlare |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Two related questions:
1. When will this pin be made available in the store?
2. When will the logo be made available in the Community Use Society Faction Symbols package?
Made a custom table tent with Scarab Sages logo for my first PFS character (first game tomorrow!) Want that Concordance logo for what may be my second. (third at most)
karpana |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Like Basara, I'm looking to acquire the Condordance pin, if only to fill out my collection.
I know it's been a busy few weeks, but is there an ETA when this will be purchasable from the store?
Basara Suleiman |
Like Basara, I'm looking to acquire the Condordance pin, if only to fill out my collection.
I know it's been a busy few weeks, but is there an ETA when this will be purchasable from the store?
Very Thanks my friend