Asian Drama Monk -Sorcerer hybrid


I been watching a lot of Asian fantasy dramas recently and was wondering if anyone had any idea what class/classes I could use to build some of the stock characters in these movies. The Taoist priest seem to be a combination wizard -monk or priest monk while the Huli Jing( Chinese version of the nine tail fox) seems to be more of a Sorceress Monk , even if most seem to act a little chaotic. Most regular heroes I think can be done using a Magnus of some sort.

Scaled Fist Monk and any Sorcerer with the Draconic bloodline would mesh well together, and set you up for Dragon Disciple if you desire.

There's an old Dragon Compendium feat that converts a Monk from wisdom to intelligence for their class abilities. It's called Kung Fu Genius. It has to be taken at level one, but opens up wizardry and magi combinations. UC ZAM and Eldritch Archer Magus maybe?

You might be better off just focusing on one class. Quingong archetype for monk gives optional abilities instead of the basic ones, including things like scorching ray.

A sacred fist archetype warpriest gives unarmed combat along with divine magic.

A bloodrager could make a martially focused but still magically capable 'monk.' A spell conduit archetype would work particularly well.

An arcane duelist bard with improved unarmed strike (and eventually two weapon fighting) would make a credible 'sorcerer monk'. Between inspire courage and arcane strike damage should scale fairly well. I could see a 1 level dip into scaled fist monk to help with feats and get chr to AC as well.

If I wanted a more arcane focused 'monk' I'd probably just stick with a full caster either sorcerer or wizard, but take a lot of touch and ranged touch spells for my 'unarmed attacks'

An oracle with the ascetic mystery makes a fairly credible full casting divine magic 'monk'

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