Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Is the release of 2E going to have any bearing on the release of new decks or APs for the ACG?

Or any other potential effects?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

No. (I’m only 99.999% confident in that answer, as I obviously cannot give any official word in that regard)

The two games are similar in theme only, the ACG mechanics don’t rely on the RPG in order to function, so the RPG changing has no effect on the ACG mechanics-wise. Due to this, they still have the full backlog of APs to pull from without issue. Finally, as ACG development is handled outside of Paizo (with exception of Vic Wertz), the work being performed on PF2 should have no bearing on the schedule of the ACG.

I wouldn't be so quick to say no. But we might be thinking of different "effects" it could have. For instance, in Pathfinder 2E there is a new iconic Alchemist. This iconic Alchemist is a goblin and is not named Damiel. The effect that could have on PACG is that we might see that goblin Alchemist as a character in PACG.

Also, the mechanics of Pathfinder 2E could inspire new ideas for PACG. Maybe they'll make a new version of Valeros because of some really cool thing a fighter can do in Pathfinder 2E.

But other than that "inspiration" of the RPG to the ACG, I don't expect any impact on the mechanics of the game.

Now, could the release of Pathfinder 2E impact the scheduling of releases for PACG? Maybe. We don't know. That will be a business decision for Paizo. And their decision might be one we can't even see. For instance, when they end up releasing the final (as in non-playtest) version of Pathfinder 2E's core rulebook, they might look at what PACG product is also releasing the same month. They might say "It isn't a good idea to release both of those in the same month, so let's push the PACG product back a month." Or they might say "That is fantastic that they are both coming out the same month!" Who knows. But we might not know the difference between when the COULD have released a product and when they actually DID release a product.

But I don't expect any impact other than something as minor as that.

From the Playtest FAQ:


Will there be a new edition of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game to go along with the new edition of the roleplaying game?

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game isn't so closely tied to the RPG rules that it needs a new edition. But as it happens, we are working on a redesign of the Adventure Card Game, and the new edition of the RPG will certainly be reflected in that.

Also note there was this recent blog (click here) which was a bit of a sneak peak on something they've been working on. Whether or not this is related to PF2 has yet to be seen, but Mike Selinker (designer) has said:

Mike Selinker wrote:
Let me make this unequivocally clear: The new set will be compatible with all previous Adventure Paths. We think the new base set rules will make Skull & Shackles and Wrath of the Righteous more fun, not less.

So yes, something is being worked on. It may or may not be related to PF2. It will be backwards compatible. So from my standpoint, I'm pretty excited for new content.

Lone Shark Games

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A simple statement from the Lone Shark crew: We are very intrigued by what is happening with the RPG, and we have made a career of acting upon what intrigues us.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

I wouldn't be so quick to say no. But we might be thinking of different "effects" it could have. For instance, in Pathfinder 2E there is a new iconic Alchemist. This iconic Alchemist is a goblin and is not named Damiel. The effect that could have on PACG is that we might see that goblin Alchemist as a character in PACG.

Also, the mechanics of Pathfinder 2E could inspire new ideas for PACG. Maybe they'll make a new version of Valeros because of some really cool thing a fighter can do in Pathfinder 2E.

But other than that "inspiration" of the RPG to the ACG, I don't expect any impact on the mechanics of the game.

Now, could the release of Pathfinder 2E impact the scheduling of releases for PACG? Maybe. We don't know. That will be a business decision for Paizo. And their decision might be one we can't even see. For instance, when they end up releasing the final (as in non-playtest) version of Pathfinder 2E's core rulebook, they might look at what PACG product is also releasing the same month. They might say "It isn't a good idea to release both of those in the same month, so let's push the PACG product back a month." Or they might say "That is fantastic that they are both coming out the same month!" Who knows. But we might not know the difference between when the COULD have released a product and when they actually DID release a product.

But I don't expect any impact other than something as minor as that.

Point. My confident "no" was in regards to the first question only (will the release of PF2 have any bearing on the release of APs or new decks) -- and I'm still rather confident on that point. Tie-ins, new characters, etc. can all happen (and likely will happen), but schedule-wise I don't see anything changing due to a new edition of Pathfinder RPG getting released, which is what I was trying to get at in my post.

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