First Starfinder Character generated, would like input.


So I just created my first ever starfinder character, I am fairly new to the whole pen and paper adventure world and thought it be fun to create a character for future use. I would love some input. I apologize for the format, I am totally new.

Damaya Lashunta
Chaotic Good

STR: 16 INT: 14
DEX: 14 WIS: 13
CON: 12 CHA: 18

Initiative: 2
HP: 11 SP: 8 RP: 5
EAC: 13 KAC: 14
AC vs Combat Maneuvers:22
DR:?? (dunno what that is)

Saving Throws
FOR: 3 REF: 4 WIL: 3
Attack Bonuses:
Melee 4 Ranged 3 Thrown 4

I put ranks in Athletics(7) Diplomacy(8) Life Sci(6) Mysticism(7) Perception(5) Physical Sci(6) I gave Mysticism and Survival(3) my student abilities

Abilities: Solar Armor, Stellar Mode, Stellar Revelation, and Limited Telepathy.

Feats & Prof:
Light armor, Basic melee, Advanced Melee, Small Arms, and Lightning Reflexes (figured it gave a well rounded save pool)

Spells: I dunno if I did this right :-)
Daze and psychokinetic hand both level 0 and detect thoughts level one once a day

Equipment: Second skin ( I dunno it had decent stats for cheap), Starknife(cause it's a STARknife hahaha....sorry) Laser Pistol and Baton.

Background: I'm working on it still lol.

Well that's my first ever rolled starfinder character and I believe my third or fourth fantasy character roll. Any thoughts or tips would be appreciated.

Grand Lodge

How did you get your stats? Normally you get 10 point for your stats spend 1 to 1, E.X. your character Lashunta (Korasha) would start at:
Str: 12
Dex: 10
Con: 10
Inst: 10
Wis: 8
Cha: 12
If you apply 10 points it may look as follows:
Str: 16 (4 points)
Dex: 14 (4 points) or 12 (2 points)
Con: 10
Inst: 10
Wis: 8
Cha: 14 (2 pints) or 16 (4 points)
Then you apply your theme, as found on page 28 of the core book
As per feat I would suggest heavy armor proficiency.
Mind you if you “roll” the stats that you show, then your GM should have ok this first, if that is the case, then disregard what I show you above

Grand Lodge

DR: is damage reduction, at the moment you would have none

Liberty's Edge

Disagree with heavy armor proficiency as Solar Armor only works with Light Armor.

You don't select a stellar mode of Graviton or Photon at character creation. Both are available. The decision is made when in combat and you can switch between the two if you wish.

You start with two Stellar Revelations: Black hole (Graviton) and Supernova (Photon). Depending what stellar mode you are attuned to determines what revelation you can use.

A Solarian does not get spells.

The ability scores are way too high unless your GM has oked the method you used.

At first level you get to choose a feat. Seeing an Armor Solarian, I would suggest Longarm, Sniper, or Heavy Weapon Proficiency if you want to be combat oriented.

Gary, the spells are from his race :)

Liberty's Edge

Oh. Ok. LOL. I have not created a Lashunta yet.

25 point stat buy. Must be an epic level campaign.

Though, to be fair, Solarians could use a few more points to throw aound...

OtrovaGomas wrote:

How did you get your stats? Normally you get 10 point for your stats spend 1 to 1, E.X. your character Lashunta (Korasha) would start at:

Str: 12
Dex: 10
Con: 10
Inst: 10
Wis: 8
Cha: 12
If you apply 10 points it may look as follows:
Str: 16 (4 points)
Dex: 14 (4 points) or 12 (2 points)
Con: 10
Inst: 10
Wis: 8
Cha: 14 (2 pints) or 16 (4 points)
Then you apply your theme, as found on page 28 of the core book
As per feat I would suggest heavy armor proficiency.
Mind you if you “roll” the stats that you show, then your GM should have ok this first, if that is the case, then disregard what I show you above

Heroic roll 2d6+6 Cha. was a 15 plus race of +2 and theme of +1

Liberty's Edge

Sounds like it will be a fun campaign!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Having played a solarian for much of the SFS content, I'll state that graviton powers feel very underwhelming at low levels. A bonus to Reflex saves and pulling baddies a short distance is not nearly as impressive as activating solar mode and getting +1 damage to all attacks, and exploding for a bunch of damage afterwards. I'm just now hitting 5th level, and that's beginning to go away, but until your graviton revelations start granting you more stuff, solar is the way to go.

I'll also back Gary's build advice - solar armor build is the "shooty solarian" build, so you'll want better weaponry. Small arms don't cut it, really. Longarms or better.

Grand Lodge

Gary Bush wrote:

Disagree with heavy armor proficiency as Solar Armor only works with Light Armor.

You don't select a stellar mode of Graviton or Photon at character creation. Both are available. The decision is made when in combat and you can switch between the two if you wish.

You start with two Stellar Revelations: Black hole (Graviton) and Supernova (Photon). Depending what stellar mode you are attuned to determines what revelation you can use.

A Solarian does not get spells.

The ability scores are way too high unless your GM has oked the method you used.

At first level you get to choose a feat. Seeing an Armor Solarian, I would suggest Longarm, Sniper, or Heavy Weapon Proficiency if you want to be combat oriented.

lol I miss the fact he had picked solar armor, yea then no heavy armor my bad

How heavily are you wanting to lean on Revelations with DC's?

I ask this, because you could swap that 16 you rolled and placed in Cha with that 14 in Dex.

You'd look more like Str 16, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16, right?

Solar Armor can be pretty amazing with a high dex character. I'd only say it is the "shooty" Solarian in point buy builds. You have fewer limits on decision making since the stats were rolled. Even if you prioritize Str for equipment boosts and make Dex secondary you can have very high armor values with eventual elemental damage reduction. A build like this could also make use of Longarm Prof. You'd give up some Save DC's on your powers, Resolve, and Social skills. So not sure how important the 18 Cha is to the concept/build/group (is this a Starship Captain?).

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