Starfinder Starships Companion

General Discussion

So either I completely missed the thread or this has not been discussed already (which would blow my mind!!): is there a starships books planned for Starfinder?

Every space themed RPG I played in the past had one or more starships books (Babylon 5 2nd edition being the last in that genre). And clearly, I am not the only one who would love to explore Starfinder's space combat more deeply?

My dream book would either be 160 or 256-page hardcover book arranged by factions / race (Hellknights, Swarm, Eox fleet, etc.). It would contain several ships for each race / factions such as light fighter, heavy fighter, cruiser, destroyer, dreadnaught, civilian ships, transports, deep space explorers. etc. Each ship would have a full set of stats, flavor text and art. Some important ships and transports would have floor layout so my party could use them.

You could also add advanced combat rules, new equipment, weapons, etc. And an ambitious project could also include simplified rules for mass combat...

Anyway, am I the only one who'd be over the moon for such a product?? If not, let Paizo know of your interest so they can see the potential profits to such a book!

Starfinder is such a great RPG, I just want to see it grow to its full potential.


Sure there is, they just haven't announced it yet. Probably for 2019. uide We already beat them to it

heres the Paizo link uide#4

racs333 wrote:

heres the Paizo link uide#4

Hey not bad as rules are concerned! I will check it out!

That still leaves Paizo with all the specific Starfinder world content, specific faction / races ships which is really what I would love to see most.

Wish our friends at Paizo would give us some thoughts about this...

The Technology Guide is supposed to have more starship stuff in it. That said, I imagine a Starship Guide will be down the road eventually.

So did you guys enjoy the guide?

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Metaphysician wrote:
The Technology Guide is supposed to have more starship stuff in it. That said, I imagine a Starship Guide will be down the road eventually.

If you mean the july Starfinder Armory, ships and computers are actually out. The developer mentioned it in a Paizo twitch stream.

I think they will do a starship book eventually but each of the adventure path books has one or more ship and the pact worlds book had a number of them so it is not as critical as other stuff that they want/need to add. It sounds like the last of the dead suns AP books will contain info on the real big ships of the line and fleet carrier ships which helps fill in the who does a military move a fleet through the drift with any kind of coordination.

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