Shipping Calculation Issue

Customer Service

Shadow Lodge

Trying to purchase the Mummy's Mask ACG Collection on the sale.

Here's what I get for the 7 individual items:

Subtotal (7 items) $89.93
Shipping & Handling $21.67
Order Total $111.60

Here's the collection, no other details changed:

Subtotal (1 item) $59.99
Shipping & Handling $63.54
Order Total $123.53

Is this an error?

Same problem here, i hope the shipping charge will be fix before end of april and before de -50% sale

Customer Service Representative


The tech team is aware of the shipping issue and has made it their top priority. I don't have an estimate to pass along for when it is expected to be fixed yet, but they are currently working on it.

Does that mean that this is how much we’d be charged if we ordered now?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Simeon,

No. We don't charge for anything until it ships. When the issue is resolved the orders will be fixed.

I looking here every day, and i hope a good new for the excessive shipping cost...

This is my first order on Paizo, i'm very frustrated, i've been waiting many years for a translation of Pathfinder Adventure card game in France...and when we have -50% sale, shipping is not working (sorry for my bad english level).

I'm afraid day after day, we are the 13th and the sale end the 30th.

Hope for good news soon :)

They’ll get it sorted soon. It must be a nightmare for the poor warehouse people - a whole bunch of orders ready to pack and go, but they can’t pull the trigger.

I bet they’re exhausted at the thought of the next couple of weeks.. :(

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I hope to see good news soon :/

For a little team, it must be a nightmare, you're right!

The worst, is that i test my 427$ order on the 1st or 2nd April, all was ok with shipping...but i wanted to wait a little.... stupid man! :/

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Dimbur,

Don't worry, we believe the issue should be fixed soon, so it should be before the sale is over. If for some reason you are unable to submit your order because of the shipping issues, we can manually adjust your order once it's been submitted so that we are still honoring the prices offered during the sale.

We apologize for the continued delay and confusion. Please don't hesitate to ask if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have in the meantime.


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