Organized play profile - how to display increased starting prestige?

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge

Some time ago I earned a boon on my -1 character that allowed me to build a new PFS character starting as lvl 2 with 6 prestige, 3 XP, 1500 gold.

I made my -2 character now, utilising the boon, and have played some sessions with him as level 2. But my fame on the organised play page is 6 lower than it should be because that 6 starting prestige was never added.

How would this be added to my PFS profile? Do I need to contact the DM in whose session I earned the boon, do I ask my next DM to give me session prestige +6, does it need to be added by a PFS venture officer or do I just ignore what's displayed on the site?

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

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I would just ignore it and enjoy playing the character, there are a couple of those boons and we never had a good system for tracking them.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Due to issues like missing reporting sheets, technical errors with the website, etc. it is fairly rare for a player to have online reporting that doesn't have some errors or omissions. The paper records you have are the official record. As long as you maintain those documents, some errors in your online history is not a problem.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the explanation, that really helps me sleep at night again! :)

I've been making sure to keep my paper records well organised as I travel a lot and I don't think I've ever played twice with the same group so far :p

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