Bobmuffin52 |

Hey all, I have a small problem I'm hoping you can all hep me with.
I run a game on Roll20 every Tuesday and it's going great, but I'm close to needing to run a few battles with the mass combat rules. My issue is that I have no idea how to represent these battles or the PCs' army in a visually interesting way.
Has anyone done mass combat on Roll20 or any VTT before? If you did how did you make it engaging for your players?

RayOfLight |

I ran a large-scale mass combat encounter in my own campaign last year. While it was admittedly partially homebrewed, (Alterations were made to the mass combat rules to allow for regular combat rounds to be run simultaneously to the mass combat, as well as some other changes,) there are some things that I used to my advantage running in Roll20:
-As already mentioned, Roll20 maps can be shifted to Hex grids, which are used by the Mass Combat rules. Use pogs for the armies, and give those whatever stats the armies have.
-The journals function can be used to create referable character sheets in the Roll20 room. I used these character sheets to hold attributes, which were then able to be used as variables in Roll20 macros created for mass combat calculations.
-Depending on how many armies you plan to be using, macros can be helpful in speeding up calculations.
I do have a write-up of the alterations I made when running that mass-combat encounter in a Google Doc, and am able to provide it if requested. I'm hesitant to post a link openly, as that document also contains all of our group's houserules, and it's rather in need of a cleaning.

RayOfLight |
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Well, just don't judge too harshly, alright?
The Mass Combat stuff is in section 4, which currently starts at the bottom of page 27. The most useful section for the OP's purposes will likely be section 4.6, which details the use of the character journals and macros, and begins at the bottom of page 32.