Bobmuffin52's page
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NoxiousMiasma wrote: It doesn't look like there are any canonical Infernal Dukes with appropriate areas of concern to patron a thieves' guild. For an Archdevil patron, Mammon is the obvious pick, but you could also use Barbatos for a secretive guild that favours blackmail and information dealings, or a guild created to seek vengeance for it's founder that serves Baalzebul. Alternatively, homebrewing your own, more appropriate, Infernal Duke is definitely an option. The founder of the guild isn't seeking vengeance, but he *is* seeking glory that he feels he deserves, which fits Baalzebul really well. It'll be fun to play Baalzebul's reaction when the PCs reveal their founder's betrayal of the guild's infernal patron as well near the end of the campaign I have planned. XD
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So I'm beginning a new campaign next year, and part of the plot requires the PCs being in a thieves' guild that, unbeknownst to them, is dedicated to an infernal power of hell. The revelation of that fact after the guild leader's betrayal of them is a big plot point for my campaign. It made me start wondering though, what power of hell would be willing to sponsor a group of thieves and con men?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So I was planning my own planet hopping campaign and just stumbled onto this; might get this instead to save me some time. XD
I do have one question though; I've heard the PF version uses the mythic rules, but that it works a bit differently than usual, can anyone tell me what the differences are?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Basically what the title says, I'm gonna be running Age of Worms after my current campaign, but I'm not sure if I should use the fast advancement track or the medium advancement track for leveling. What has everyone on here used when you ran AoW in Pathfinder?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Thanks for all the posts/help guys.
I guess I should have figured they were trying to move away from WotC/D&D-centric stuff.
It's true that I can just nice a few things from some other classes just to give that dragon feel, so thanks for giving me the idea!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hey all, just wanted to ask what's in the title. I'm thinking of running Red Hand of Doom in PF2 after the end of my current campaign, but I don't see any rules for half-dragons in the bestiary and I can't find any sort of info for them online, so I was just wondering if there's any sort of plans for them coming up in the future.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Well to be frank, everything looks suspicious to my players. haha
Well that's a shame it's on the same layer as the map image. I was debating between remaking all the maps myself like I'm doing in my current game or just using the book's maps, but I guess that's be decided for me. haha
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So I'm running in an issue for pulling the maps and putting them into roll20.
I want to put Citadel Altaerein on and can pull the maps out of the PDFs easily enough, but it seems there's no way to remove the secret door markers on the map, or at least no way I can figure out. Has anyone found a way to solve this problem?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hey all, I have a small problem I'm hoping you can all hep me with.
I run a game on Roll20 every Tuesday and it's going great, but I'm close to needing to run a few battles with the mass combat rules. My issue is that I have no idea how to represent these battles or the PCs' army in a visually interesting way.
Has anyone done mass combat on Roll20 or any VTT before? If you did how did you make it engaging for your players?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Oracle of Calistria in Kingmaker: Abandoned by her noble father, got revenge by becoming queen of her own kingdom.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Oh ok, I get it now. Hrm, gonna need to figure out how to fit it into my build now...
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ah, so it's good to have just in case something gets past my armor then?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hello Everyone,
I'm starting a game soon with a fighter who's gonna go into the Stalwart Defender PrC when he can. I've read a bit into building a Stalwart Defender and I saw that taking the Stalwart feat is really good, but I'm confused as to why. I don't get why I should get DR over just having a higher AC, unless I'm missing something. Can anyone explain/give their own advice for Stalwart Defender?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
A player in my group and I are worshippers of Cayden, so we're opening a bar. He's a gnome war priest of Cayden with a gnome battle ladder as his sacred weapon, and we named the bar after it; thus we own The Tipsy Ladder.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So I'm about to start running Strange Aeons in two weeks and I alredy hit a problem:
I only have 3 players, and they're playing a grim crusader paladin, a sword and board fighter, and a (most likely) archer based slayer. My consern is that the group has no real way to heal up when they get wounded (the paladin's archetype only lets him heal himself). I know I could just add more cure potions around, but I feel like that takes away from the overall dread of the AP, especially the first book. I was thinking that the wounds and vigor system might help, but I'm not sure. Dose anyone have any advice?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ah, never noticed that item for purchase before. Thanks for the info! I'll just make things easy and just buy them, it's what my GM would probably tell me to do anyway. Haha
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I'm going to be playing an occultist in a game soon, but I have a question about how the occultist acquires their implements; dose he start with 2 free at level one and gains each other one free after that? Or dose he need to buy an item on the list of his implement schools and bond to them that way?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I was thinking a re-worded version of "Do You Hear the People Sing?" from Les Miserables would work really well; since it's already very operatic and already has a big revolutionary feel to it.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So 'm going to start an AP soon, but I'm only going to have 2 PCs. While I have no issue with balance and such, I'm not sure what to do with XP. I know I can just drop it and level them up when the book says so, both me and my players want to try counting out the XP this time around.
My issue is now I don't know if I should use the medium advancement track or the slow advancement track. If I go with the medium track, the PCs will be at a higher level than what is suggested for the book, but I feel like that is balanced out by the fact that there are less PCs than usual, but I am unsure if that's the best idea. So has anyone on here ran an AP with less than 4 players? If so, how did you level up?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I'm planning to run a campaign soon set in Isger, but I recently learned that there are no Pathfinder Lodges in Cheliax, mainly because Pathfinders arn't welcomed in Cheliax. Is that correct, and if it is, is it fare to assume there are none in Isger as well, since Isger is a vassal state of Cheliax?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hello, my AP subscription book was said to have shipped last Friday and the order is said it's "complete", but I neither have the package nor can I track it with the provided tracking number. I just wish to know if my book is on it's way and that everything I need to do is set.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if I should/need to buys some of the pawn bases if I'm going to get a PDF copy of one of the pawn sets.
Thanks to everyone in advance
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Could you please cancel my order #2996067?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So I've been running a game of Wrath of the Righteous and have recently learned one of my players is thinking of getting the leadership feat so that the cohort can be a cleric to help supply the party with some much needed healing and buffs. I'm fine with the PC getting the leadership feat, but I'm worried about the cohort being easily killed later on in the adventure path, once the PCs have both high levels and 5 or so mythic ranks.
So I was just wondering if anyone had any sort of advice as to how to make it at least possible for the cohort to stay alive in the later adventures, or if I need to worry about it at all in the first place.
Thanks in advance!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So I’m about to start a Jade Regent game on Saturday, and I want to use the caravan rules mostly as written for my group because they seem to like them. My only big concern is that I know that combat with the caravan is very bad and that most encounters in book 3 and on can destroy the entire caravan with little effort. So, to fix this I have 2 relatively simple ideas that I was wondering if it would be enough to at least alleviate most of the issue with combat.
First: for damage I was thinking of leaving of adding the level of the caravan to damage alone, but also upping the dice by adding 1d6 to damage at level 3 and then an additional 1d6 every two levels after.
Second: for AC, I was thinking I could add half (or maybe even all) of the caravan’s level to AC, just to give it a bit more padding.
I know that this doesn’t fully fix the system, but will it be at least enough to get them to Minkai in mostly one piece?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I’m going to be running a game soon and my players and I have decided we wanted to do Red Hand of Doom. However, since we’re starting at 1st level for the sake of a newbie, I decided to run The Sunless Citadel and The Forge of Fury first so the PCs can get from 1st to 5th level before RHoD. However, this has left me with a predicament; what advancement track should I use to make sure they’re leveling properly for the three adventures? My gut feeling is that I should stick with medium, but I’m really not 100% sure and would just like to get some input from other people, especially if someone has done any of these adventures before for Pathfinder.
Thanks in advance!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So I’m going to begin running Kingmaker very soon, and I just ran into something I’m not sure to handle and couldn’t find the answer for it.
Are all the map locations from Stolen Lands and Rivers Run Red in the Greenbelt available right at the star of the adventure? For example, Narthropple’s expedition is in the hex right next to the Stage Lord’s fort; is Narthropple there the first time the PCs meet the needed perception check in that hex, or should I wait till the Stag Lord is defeated and the PCs have had some time to set up their kingdom?
Thanks in advance!