City of the Seven Seraphs game(GM+players)


Late last summer, I backed the City of the Seven Seraphs kickstarter and it's nearing(ish) completion. It's also available for pre-order via backerkit.

I would dearly love to play in a game that makes use of this setting, so I am making this thread to see if anybody else wants to play, and if there's a GM out there willing to run it.

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I'm not generally one for 3PP content, but man, does this look cool. I'd be more than willing to grab the book and play.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Drop Dead Studios are geniuses. I'd be keen to play if we find a GM.

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I'd love to give it a try. I'm also looking forward to the Planar Adventures Pathfinder book coming out this summer.

I’m a backer as well and would be very interested!

sounds nteresting

Liberty's Edge

I'd really love to give a playthrough of this setting a try. I don't think I can GM because of my schedule but if someone puts up a recruitment, I'd definitely apply.

To be clear, I have zero desire to run this. I want to play. The book won't be out for several months(Aug, if the ship date on the KS is accurate, though that could easily change to earlier or later).

Ideally, the GM will also allow the three upcoming planar books as well, if the game isn't set in Golarion.

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