LeesusFreak |

One of my PCs is from the Nirmathas/Molthune border, and the Ironfang Invasion was presented as an early hook for the party's adventure to take. However, they went in a different direction for the campaign, but are now circling back to the region about two years later. Assuming a band of heroes stepped up, what would the likely political fallout be for the region? What about if no band of heroes rises to the occasion, what would the likely outcome be? Feel free to speculate, btw, I'm very well aware that while outcomes like these are suggested throughout an AP they're often left very vague/open-ended.
I suppose I could buy the entire AP to find this for myself, but that seems a wasteful endeavor-- I'm trying to meaningfully cater to the backstory of the PC and development that Paizo makes across the setting. All input is greatly appreciated!

Jakkedin |
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The Ironfang Legion now has a new campaign of conquest to wage, not on behalf of soft human masters (Moltune), but to seize their own destiny and carve out a homeland for so-called “monsters.”
With her armies and a dwarven artifact, the leader of the Ironfang Legion is prepared to launch her campaign of lightning-quick assaults to carry her across Nirmathas, and eventually Molthune and Lastwall. She intends to carve out a homeland for the monsters humans fear, with Phaendar as the beating heart that will deliver her Nirmathi food, mines, and lumber. Her people need only land to settle and enslaved hands to raise their empire.
So if a band of heroes rises to the occasion:
At the beginning of the adventure, there is an uneasy truce between Molthune amd Nirmathis. Molthune has been concentrating on a siege of Kraggadon. As the danger posed by the Ironfang Legion increases, the PCs attempt to find allies from within the region. The PCs have the opportunity to from an alliance with the Fey, Nesmian Plains and Hollow Hills inhabitants, Chersando Rangers, dwarves of Kraggadon, and even Molthune. If the Ironfang Legion is defeated, this could lead to peace in the region. At least for a time.
If no heroes take on the Legion or if the heroes are defeated:
The Ironfang Legion has carved out its own kingdom and the rest of the region is shattered, scattered, and threatened by the Legion.
Worst case scenario:
The PCs could defeat the Legion but disaster still occurs. Or the PCs fail at the last moment. And the region "will be devastated by an impact unseen since Earthfall". Molthune, Nirmathis, Nesmian Plains, Hollow Hills, Fangwood Forest are destroyed. Kraggadon is buried or ruined. Ruin and destruction. "Monsters" loose everywhere in the region. Maybe the leaders of the Legion are still alive and so the area is now a kingdom for the Ironfang Region.