Absalom is to Rome as ___ is to ___

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

If one were to make a comparison to say that Absalom is kind of like the ancient Rome of Golarion (center of trade and the world and all that jazz), what would you compare some of the other larger cities to?

Specifically wondering about Kaer Maga, but leaving it open ended for further discussion.

As Torch, Numeria is to Detroit, Michigan

I always thought of Absalom as an analog to Byzantium/Constantinople at its height.

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Many aspects of Kaer Maga are completely fantastical and there are no real world or historical parallels to them.

In the aspect of being a melting pot of different cultures and a place where the dispossessed have created unique cultures of their own, it has some similarities to New Orleans.

After some of my own research on historical cities, I also see a lot of potential parallels with the Kowloon Walled City of Hong Kong.

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