I am Blind, Yet I See?


I'm playing a thematically blind character (my GM refused to let me play a wizard who had to deal with 50% miss chance on everything, so thematically she's blind). Her eyes were torn out as punishment for conning the wrong person, so she has no eyes.

She perceives the world through Soul Seer (Tiefling racial ability for Deathwatch at-will), and Detect Magic. So I view it that she essentially sees the world by the life forces of creatures, and the auras of magic. So she might see the faint life aura of a tree and the ant colony living in it, but she'd trip over a mundane wooden desk.

We're also in Iron Gods, so Technomancy was a fast pick up to let her see technology.

She's a Divination wizard, something she picked up when she lost her eyes, so she's all about sight-based spells, and eventually she's gonna go permanency to make her temporary sights permanent. She gave up Transmutation and Conjuration.

Again, my GM isn't penalizing me, but I wanna know what all she should permanent in order to "see" again.

Technomancy - Sees tech
Detect Magic/Arcane Sight - Sees magic

She can't permanency her Deathwatch since it's a racial spell-like ability, but what other spells on the way up to Permanency would you recommend, so she could lead a relatively normal life?

Fleshcrafted Antennae would give you blindsight for 70k.
Regenerate would give you your normal eyes back.
Echolocation gives you blindsight for 10 min/level as a level 5 spell.

I played a blind paladin once rather successfully. The paladin's mount was extremely helpful. I would recommend taking a familiar who can see, or just buying a horse and taking ride. Even if they can't talk they will naturally avoid difficult terrain and dangerous obstacles.

The 1st-level spell Detect Metal could be handy at the dinner table to see metal utensils and metal cups. And it is handy while adventuring, because many foes outline themselves in metal armor. It might also see through walls, because unlike most low-level Detect spells, it does not list the materials that block it.

Since you are in Numeria, a pair of cybernetic eyes is an obvious permanent cure for blindness. They cost 4,000gp, but at extra cost can be enhanced with magnification +2 (200gp), magnification +5 (1250gp), low-light vision (3000gp), or more powerful options. Cybertech requires a cybernetics lab to create, but it does not specify a lab for the implantation surgery. See Doc Hellbroth in Starfall, because he appears to be licensed by the Technic League. You wouldn't want the Technic League hunting down your character to rip his illegal eyes out, would you?

We do have an Android in the party aiming to go down the cybernetics route. I'd prefer to keep the lack of eyes, thematically. It's a fun reason for why my character has 6 charisma. She's an ass with horrible facial scars that are more than a little distracting. She wears a blindfold more to hide them than anything.

Echolocation would be good if it wasn't a Transmutation spell. Forbidden school.

I like seeing eye creature as an idea. I can't conjure one but could buy one (low Cha means crummy animal handling though).

Detect Metal, good addition. I'll have to see if my GM will allow it since it's companion not core.

Keep 'em coming!

Tremor Boots
Animal Totem Tattoo (bat)

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