Evergreen Scenario / Mod introducing Goblins

Pathfinder Society Playtest

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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I know navigating the introduction of goblins into PFS will be a bit tricky to navigate, but something that might help is an evergreen scenario or mod (or perhaps a series of intro quests) that dive a bit deeper into the lore of the rehabilitation of certain sects of goblins and their induction into PFS.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Just call it "We be Pathfinders!"

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Just call it "We be Pathfinders!"

I really like this idea. I was honestly surprised at the Goblin inclusion at first, when we already had seen Kobolds get some love that pushed them toward organizations such as the Pathfinder Society, but the more I think on it, the more I'm also eager to see the lore Goblins get.

*This* would be a lot of fun and cover our in-game ground too :D

Grand Lodge 4/5

Rise of the Goblin Guild sequel, or get that item the Shadow Lodge had in Season 2 out of the vaults. I could see more than one justification to have a good part of a tribe working for the Society.

5/5 5/5 *

You know, now that Goblins are a core race, basically puts an end to the "We Be Goblins" series. If Goblins are a standard thing you can play, then what's the point of an all-goblin mod? It's not like we have any mods that are centered around all-dwarf pregens.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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TheFlyingPhoton wrote:
You know, now that Goblins are a core race, basically puts an end to the "We Be Goblins" series.

Get ready for "Kobold and the brave" series.

TheFlyingPhoton wrote:
It's not like we have any mods that are centered around all-dwarf pregens.

All Harsk pre-gen run incoming...

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

...I want Kobold and the brave, plzk.


Even if goblins are a core race in PF2e, do they be playable without a boon in 2e society play?

Grand Lodge 4/5

If they are a core race (and I think it's still worth discussing that elsewhere) I don't see PFS taking an opposing stance.

I doubt they'll be much more despised than, say, gunslingers. Actions taken in response may do similar kinds of damage to the unity and friendliness of the campaign.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Looking forward to seeing Scribbleface resurrected as a Pathfinder Chronicler.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Just call it "We be Pathfinders!"

Good idea^^ sometimes the simple ones just work ^^

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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Am I the only one dreading tables full of goblins?

I love the We Be Goblin series, both as a player and a GM. However, tables of goblins sounds worse to me than tables of kitsune and tieflings for everyday play.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

GM Thrawn wrote:

Am I the only one dreading tables full of goblins?

I love the We Be Goblin series, both as a player and a GM. However, tables of goblins sounds worse to me than tables of kitsune and tieflings for everyday play.

There are a number of unresolved questions about their integration so I would not worry too much about that. If it ends up as an unwelcome GM experience for you, kindly ask your players to avoid recreating that setup.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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All I know is I'm going to be "that guy" and make every character in 2E be a goblin until I run out of ideas.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Thrawn wrote:

Am I the only one dreading tables full of goblins?

I love the We Be Goblin series, both as a player and a GM. However, tables of goblins sounds worse to me than tables of kitsune and tieflings for everyday play.

I dislike the We Be Goblins series, so you can only imagine my level of dread.

1/5 5/5

Well, my playtest character is going to be a goblin paladin. Beyond that, no clue.

...at least until they open up tengu again.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think opening up goblins in PFS2.0 is to give incentive to many of us to keep GMing PFS1.0 for those people who still want to play that.

5/5 5/5 *

GM Thrawn wrote:

Am I the only one dreading tables full of goblins?

I love the We Be Goblin series, both as a player and a GM. However, tables of goblins sounds worse to me than tables of kitsune and tieflings for everyday play.

I've played at tables of all halflings, and I can't imagine goblin tables being any more chaotic or derailing than those were.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Am I really that weird that I am looking forward to the idea of GMing my first all goblin table in the Playtest? I am really looking forward to meeting my first goblin pathfinders. We keep finding these goblin babies and dropping them off at the Church of Sarenrae to be educated and redeemed. Now we’ve got a chance to look at what they’re like now that they’ve had a chance to learn to read and grow up with a moral compass.

With adventures like the Goblinblood Guild and the Frostfur Captives, the Pathfinder Society has had a chance to build relationships with some of the tribes and strike alliances. And let’s face it, Pathfinders come from all races and backgrounds. What we want are people who can explore, cooperate and report.

I’m not a fan of putting goblins behind a boon wall — though I think that it could be a very popular GM boon for the transition — just like I wasn’t a fan of puttling legacy races in Starfinder behind a boon wall. If it’s part of the core rule book, I think it should be open.

(I didn’t want skittermanders behind this insurmountable a boon wall either. I think we’re creating more of a pent up demand than we’re solving by dribbling them out in ones and twos at random interviews like this. I would have been fine with having a generation of GM boon skittermanders go through Starfinder Society as well...)

Like it or not, goblins have become a core race. This means that society has undergone a transformative change, as societies do, where a group that was completely unacceptable becomes grudgingly accepted the next generation, and normal the generation after that.

Perhaps goblins are kill on sight unless they are wearing their wayfinders — proof positive that they have accepted the rules and oversight of the Pathfinder Society.

In my mind, goblin Pathfinders are likely to have the following traits:

  • They read;
  • They take the logo, “Explore, Cooperate, Report” as their highest calling;
  • They may have been orphans, or exiles like the famous Pathfinder ‘Scribbleface’ who have had to leave their tribes and find a new tribe in the Pathfinder Society;
  • They’re used to an even worse discrimination than half-orcs used to get, but they wear their wayfinders proudly, wherever they go;
  • They LOVE to sing;
  • They’re still a bit nervous around dogs and horses;
  • They’re actually pretty good at riding and dealing with other creatures including monstrous mounts;
  • They make GREAT party scouts;
  • They still love fire more than even ifrits do. It’s still going to be their thing.

We live in a game of the imagination. Society has changed, and goblins are now here, crossing over like other monster races before them. Let’s help them make the transition.


3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
I am really looking forward to meeting my first goblin pathfinders. We keep finding these goblin babies and dropping them off at the Church of Sarenrae to be educated and redeemed.

So I definitely just heard "goblin babies" in my head to the tune of the Muppet Babies theme song.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Are you going to filk it for me? Please say you’ll filk it.


3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

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I'll try to come up with something, but I'm not trained in filking!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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I am really dreading the inclusion of goblins as a core race. They belong in silly one shots like we be goblins. I just can't see them fitting at all without a complete rewrite of golarion cannon on who goblins are.

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