Witcher Class and Race?

Homebrew and House Rules

I’ve seen a lot of posts about attempts to make a Witcher class. I like that idea a lot, but I think to many try to cram everything into the class itself until it feels bloated, unfocused, and overpowered. I think the thing that is sort of overlooked, is that a Witcher, is no longer really human. They go into their training as humans, but come out as something else.

Is it ridiculous to have a single race that is for a single class? Human, but immune to disease, long-lived, and capable of ingesting powerful poisons to a human, but offering booms to them. Unable to procreate, but not unable to love. Physical mutations, giving cat eyes and low light vision.

I think front loading some of this, as a race, can make the class feel more balanced. And better than, say a Drow, with all of this as well.

I am currently writing a race/class combo up, but was looking for some feedback on this part and what the class should include. An expanded human race I feel.


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