RockLobster |
AT 3rd level, Technomancer PRC gains the arcane battery class feature, allowing them to expend prepared spells/spell slots to power technology.
However, it also states that this cannot be used to power devices that don't use charges.
My question: can Arcane Battery be used to power devices that uses nanite canisters, such as dart gun or nanite hypogun? The technology guide states that each use of a dart gun expends one "charge" but that seems at odds with the name "battery" in the class feature name.
Mathmuse |
Are there different kinds of charges for tech items=?
The Technology Guide gives two kinds of charges for rechargable weapons and items: battery charges and nanite cannister charges. Batteries cost 100 gp and provide 10 charges. Nanite cannisters cost 500 gp and provide 10 charges.
Both are called charges. Arcane Battery does not specifiy a type, so it should work for both.