Kobold character


I'm starting a new game and the dm is letting me play a homebrew Kobold. The stats are +2dex +2con -2str 2hp Darkvision 60ft Small with reptile subtype 30ft move. Plus a few other situational things. What class would fit this race best? Thank you for your help.

I'm not sure kineticists strictly exist in Starfinder.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I'm not sure kineticists strictly exist in Starfinder.

They do not. If this was Pathfinder that's exactly the way I would go, but I've only played Starfinder once.

Yeah, that was my bad. I deleted the post. Sorry for any confusion. Carry on.

What about a Mesmerist.

Captain Oblivious wrote:
What about a Mesmerist.

You have lived up to your name.

Operative. You have a Dex bonus and a Str penalty, so you grab the class best suited to using light weapons. Six points towards Dex, and then the rest to whatever you want. It’s a good thematic fit, and you’ll even be able to find good art for the character.

That said, the stat array is perfect for any class. You have a bonus in the only two stats that every class needs, and a penalty in the only stat that every class can dump. Pick any class you want, and max out the primary ability score, then put the rest in Dex or Con (or shoring up Wis on Mechanic).

What about a Space Goblin Solarian named Yoda Parsigian.

QuidEst wrote:

Operative. You have a Dex bonus and a Str penalty, so you grab the class best suited to using light weapons. Six points towards Dex, and then the rest to whatever you want. It’s a good thematic fit, and you’ll even be able to find good art for the character.

That said, the stat array is perfect for any class. You have a bonus in the only two stats that every class needs, and a penalty in the only stat that every class can dump. Pick any class you want, and max out the primary ability score, then put the rest in Dex or Con (or shoring up Wis on Mechanic).

Thank you, upon looking at the options an operative is my best option and will allow me to make a great build.

captain yesterday wrote:
What about a Space Goblin Solarian named Yoda Parsigian.

Amazing, you managed to ignore even the thread title.

UlagSonofNone wrote:
QuidEst wrote:

Operative. You have a Dex bonus and a Str penalty, so you grab the class best suited to using light weapons. Six points towards Dex, and then the rest to whatever you want. It’s a good thematic fit, and you’ll even be able to find good art for the character.

That said, the stat array is perfect for any class. You have a bonus in the only two stats that every class needs, and a penalty in the only stat that every class can dump. Pick any class you want, and max out the primary ability score, then put the rest in Dex or Con (or shoring up Wis on Mechanic).

Thank you, upon looking at the options an operative is my best option and will allow me to make a great build.

You're welcome, and enjoy! (Just a note that the Ghost specialization currently gets a +4 to trick attacks that it isn't supposed to have, so it's a bit broken at the moment.)

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