[Spoilers] Iron Gods - PC wants to become an Android.

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

So, have just finished the book 3, the Choking Tower, and one of the PCs wants to build something to swap his mind to that of an Android body, using the Android Foundry near Iandeveigh.

Just to know. Is there any way to do this inside the rules? Or it is all by GM Fiat?

He is a Wizard with Technologist and some other Craft Tech feats.

The only rules for permanently changing type in a new body are Reincarnation spell.

There is the major mind swap spell, but you'd need a very talented psychic, a lot of gold, and a willing android.

Just noticed the major version has an extra restriction to keep that from working.

Effectively GM fiat. You could have a ritual research thing in a similar fashion to Lichdom without all the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL.

Liberty's Edge

I had a similar thing just happen where a PC wanted to cooperate with an NPC to be turned into a plant creature. I used the dynamic item creation rules as a base for the ritual. I made the ritual three steps. Researching what needs to be done, gathering components, then preforming the ritual. The players enjoyed all being involved in the process and since it involved rolls with unknown risks for failure nobody else decided to be a subject when they saw the results.

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