Lubella Heathertoes |
Due to real-life work craziness, our GM had to step away from the our Hell's Rebels game, and we're looking for someone to take over. Our group of rebels has finished clearing out the Wasp's Nest, and are now 2nd level. Will you help us overthrow the tyrannical rule of Barzillai Thrune and liberate Kintargo?
Here is the link to the gameplay thread.
For what it's worth, here are some of Lubella's RP goals for the game:
Lubella's goals:
1. Set up a free medical clinic to treat the poor. The clinic won't be officially part of the Silver Ravens, but may open up recruiting opportunities.
2. Organize Kintargo's faithful of Sarenrae.
3. Convince an evil-doer to turn away from the path of darkness and towards the light. This doesn't have to be an important NPC — an insignificant minion would be fine.
4. Defeat a devil in single combat.