Listening to any Actual Play Podcasts?

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When I can, I listen to a few actual play podcasts to get ideas for different things I could do and ways I could take scenarios. There's already a pretty robust set of these running for Starfinder. If there are any of them that you're listening to that I'm missing out on, I'm interested to hear about them. If there are just general RPG podcasts that might have Starfinder relevance I'd be down to hear about those, too.

My listens are:

- Cosmic Crit (an interesting exercise in playing the AP and blending it with some homebrew content; they've sold me on a few kinds of scenarios I originally thought of skipping)
- Roll for Combat (I didn't get into them initially but there are some really cool ideas happening in this one on a later check-in, and they currently have a Paizo guy playing with them and generating content for the game)
- The Adventurific Radio Hour (they're comedy-focused players with a rather bloodthirsty play-style and are running a completely homebrew campaign rather than the AP; come for the wackiness, stay for the hysterical satirical ad spots)
- Rogue Exposure (just dipping my toes in at present)

Apparently the RP-heavy Glass Cannon podcast -- who previously ran a Pathfinder campaign -- is going to run the Dead Suns AP too, so I'm on the lookout for that. They are apparently known for very RP-focused play closer to the Critical Role school.

There are just way too many of these things out there to keep up with them all, but suggestions and opinions are always welcome. As both a player and a GM I find them pretty useful.

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Thames for the pointers - there are a couple new ones there that I'll check out.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So looking forward the the Glass Cannon take on Starfinder. They were my first actual play podcast, and I have been spoiled: nothing else I've found has come close. Still looking!

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I mean there's a ton of great non-Starfinder podcasts. Critical Role has a second campaign running now (they're all professional voice actors and who the Glass Cannon crew remind me the most of, although GC feels like a flavour of play more attainable by mere mortals). Just discovered RollPlay the other day and they have a ton of stuff I'll probably never even get to (their "Swan Song" campaign is the first and only actual-play of Stars Without Number I've ever seen). Friends at the Table is a great resource for creative GM'ing, Austin Walker who runs it is a glorious madman who incorporates two or three different systems into a single campaign.

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I've been listening to The Side Quest Inn and they have been doing a very entertaining RP focused run of Dead Suns.

I really liked Hype Space but they haven't updated since early December. I hope they continue. They're doing a homebrew that started out from the first society module but have since gone off on their own.

Hey, thanks, I'll check those out.

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OMG Adventurific Podcast is hilarious.

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Check out Roll for Combat.

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Excited for the Glass Cannon Podcast of Starfinder

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Hadesblade wrote:
Check out Roll for Combat.

They really bring the cheddar, so to speak.

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The Side Quest Inn is pretty dope. :D Crumbles and Sunny-D interrogating people on Absalom Station are hilarious.

While it's only Season 3 of Laughfinder (in Space, NSFW) that uses the Starfinder ruleset, there are some callbacks to stuff that happened in the first two Pathfinder based Seasons (with Season 2's casting that carried forward). ;)

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CeeJay wrote:
Hadesblade wrote:
Check out Roll for Combat.
They really bring the cheddar, so to speak.

I’ve really enjoyed listening while at work. Plus gives me an idea before I run my roll20 group through it in April. But I like to do voices. My Marvin the Martian voice should fit right in .

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