Help me build an Iron Gods Encounter


Liberty's Edge

The PC's include: Human Paladin of Iomedae 9, Android Nanite Sorcerer 2/Paladin of Iomedae 7, Human Warpriest of Iomedae 9, Human Inquisitor of Iomedae 9 and a Variant Goblin [Intelligent & Curious] Spellslinger 9

So APL is 10

So I'm thinking of building a Rival group that is a CR 13 Encounter
4 level 10's following the theme of the Technic League supporters.

So feedback and Build ideas for them are welcome.

my ideas are
Heartless Swordsman: Android Fighter 10 [Sword & Board]
Cruel Artist: Tiefling Blight Druid 10 [Specializing in her Blight abilities]
Cold & Aloof: Human Cleric 2/ Oracle of bones 8 [Bleeding Burst aura]
Arrogant & Manipulative: Gnome Alchemist 10 (Not sure if I want to specialize them or not]

The Human Paladin has Exalted Feats from 3.5 So looking at the Blight Druid as their Rival.

Android Fighter is the Rival of the other Android and the Inquisitor.

Human Oracle of Bones/Cleric is the Rival of the Warpriest.

Gnome Versus White Goblin, Thinking bomb's Versus Gun's.

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