Question regarding Emil

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hey all,

So my question is regarding Emil and his ability to ignore the poison trait on weapons and also other banes immunities to said poison trait weapons.

My Q is; does Emil, using the above mentioned ability stop other characters or cards (including those from within Emil's hand, not just those owned by other players) from interacting with the poison trait within that check?

A small example would be you are playing as Olenjack and are required to make a check against a monster who is immune to the poison trait. Emil is at another location and chooses to discard his venomous heavy crossbow to help with the check to defeat, using his ability to ignore the poison trait/the monsters immunity and thereby allowing the extra die to be used.

Does this mean Olenjacks ability to immediately explore after a combat check involving the poison trait cannot be used?

MM Rulebook p2 wrote:
The Golden Rule If a card tells you to ignore something, the thing you’re ignoring never has any effect on you.

So, Emil is the only one for whom the Poison trait/immunity has no effect. And with the Venomous Heavy Crossbow being played to add 1d4+2 to Olenjack's check, the card itself doesn't have the Poison trait, so he doesn't have to do any ignoring there. But he does have to ignore the immunity. That only impacts Emil's ability to play the card. It doesn't change that the power added the Poison trait to the check. So now, the check indeed has the Poison trait, so Olenjack can explore again.

Ah... You know what? Emil can't do that. His power says:

Emil wrote:
When you play a boon that has the Poison trait, you may ignore that trait and immunities to it.

As I mentioned, the Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 doesn't have the Poison trait. So, Emil's power doesn't apply. That means he still can't play cards or use powers that would add the trait to the check.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Ah... You know what? Emil can't do that. His power says:

Emil wrote:
When you play a boon that has the Poison trait, you may ignore that trait and immunities to it.
As I mentioned, the Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 doesn't have the Poison trait. So, Emil's power doesn't apply. That means he still can't play cards or use powers that would add the trait to the check.

But isn't it a choice? As it says you 'may' ignore the trait doesn't that still mean he can play cards that would add the trait but then would have to choose not to use that ability?

The power starts with "When you play a boon that has the Poison trait..." So, in order activate it, the boon you are playing must itself have the Poison trait. That is different from whether or not the powers of the boon add the Poison trait to a check. The question is simply, is "Poison" on the list of traits in the upper left corner of the card.

If you look at Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2, you won't see the word "Poison" there. The card itself does NOT have the Poison trait. So when you play it, you are not playing a boon that has the Poison trait. So you can't activate the power, because you don't meet the criteria for it.

Make sense?

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

The power starts with "When you play a boon that has the Poison trait..." So, in order activate it, the boon you are playing must itself have the Poison trait. That is different from whether or not the powers of the boon add the Poison trait to a check. The question is simply, is "Poison" on the list of traits in the upper left corner of the card.

If you look at Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2, you won't see the word "Poison" there. The card itself does NOT have the Poison trait. So when you play it, you are not playing a boon that has the Poison trait. So you can't activate the power, because you don't meet the criteria for it.

Make sense?

Absolutely! Thank you for the clarification!

I like the design of Emil, just want to find cards/characters he would be good with now that you've helped me clear that up!.....ive caught the PACG bug.

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Hawkmoon269 wrote:
If you look at Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2, you won't see the word "Poison" there. The card itself does NOT have the Poison trait. So when you play it, you are not playing a boon that has the Poison trait. So you can't activate the power, because you don't meet the criteria for it.

So, are we willing to let that monster get away on a technicality? Homerule away, I say!

(I actually asked the very same question in another thread. I suspect a more well thought-out wording of the power would say "When you play a boon that has or would add the Poison trait, you may ignore that trait and/or immunities to it."

Longshot11 wrote:
(I actually asked the very same question in another thread. I suspect a more well thought-out wording of the power would say "When you play a boon that has or would add the Poison trait, you may ignore that trait and/or immunities to it."

Is that "and/or" a change or just a clarification? The original description is ambiguous in that respect, since both:

"you may ignore that trait and [you may ignore] immunities to it"
"you may ignore (that trait and immunities to it)"
are valid interpretations of that sentence.

Though the latter is an odd interpretation since I can't think of a case where you'd want to ignore both the trait and the immunity, rather than just one or the other. Once you ignore the trait the immunity surely doesn't matter. If there's no reason to ever choose "and" then just "or" would do.

I also find it strange in the first place that the player gets to choose to either ignore the trait (thus adding the poison trait to the check) or to ignore the immunity (thus not adding the trait). It's an odd, hidden, and unnecessary choice to give the player. But maybe it's necessary to ensure the power is useful in the full range of circumstances.

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