![]() Hey all Quick Q on adding CDs to a core set box for adventuring with friends. I may end up playing with a full group of 6 next week and was wondering, if they wanted to all play characters from separate CDs would that seriously effect the game by watering down the other adventure based cards? Is there anything I could do to keep the watering down to a minimum, like adding only certain cards etc? Also, the weapon Sinderbos says 'if you previously played this weapon during this encounter; add an additional 1d10+1'.
Thanks all. ![]()
![]() elcoderdude wrote:
I'm looking at Flenta as an alternative. Am I right in saying she can't hold on to specific spells at all? (Looking at her abilities it seems she can't keep the arcane skill to recharge a spell and so have to banish them when they are used.) ![]()
![]() Going to start a new game session with a mate of mine he has his eye on Lini and I on playing Olenjack. My worry is that we might not have all that much power in regards to late game? I know many will say whatever characters we find fun is good, I just wondered if you all had any wisdom to shed on the fact/thoughts to share? Hope all are well! Cheers peeps! ![]()
![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Awesome thanks! ![]()
![]() Sorry guys if this has come up in an earlier thread. I don't currently own WotR and as I understand redeeming cards is done through a ticking off system on a redemption card. my question is; I have just ordered Hell's Vengeance deck 1 for myself and have seen the Asmodean Disciplines card does this add on deck also come with a card to tick off redeemed cards or do you just have to note which ones you have redeemed on paper? Also, when using the Asmodean Disciplines card for it's redeeming ability, does the other card you want to be redeemed have to be in your hand or even in your position at all? Could you just claim you've redeemed a card that you've yet to find? Many thanks all ![]()
![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Absolutely! Thank you for the clarification! I like the design of Emil, just want to find cards/characters he would be good with now that you've helped me clear that up!.....ive caught the PACG bug.![]()
![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote:
But isn't it a choice? As it says you 'may' ignore the trait doesn't that still mean he can play cards that would add the trait but then would have to choose not to use that ability? ![]()
![]() Hey all, So my question is regarding Emil and his ability to ignore the poison trait on weapons and also other banes immunities to said poison trait weapons. My Q is; does Emil, using the above mentioned ability stop other characters or cards (including those from within Emil's hand, not just those owned by other players) from interacting with the poison trait within that check? A small example would be you are playing as Olenjack and are required to make a check against a monster who is immune to the poison trait. Emil is at another location and chooses to discard his venomous heavy crossbow to help with the check to defeat, using his ability to ignore the poison trait/the monsters immunity and thereby allowing the extra die to be used. Does this mean Olenjacks ability to immediately explore after a combat check involving the poison trait cannot be used? ![]()
![]() Keith Richmond wrote:
So does this mean that his extra damage ability can be triggered outside of a time when a player wouldn't have been dealt damage in the first place? For example after a combat check that was won? ![]()
![]() Seriously, how do you play him well without becoming the most hated person at the table? Or am I missing something? Haha Also could I just confirm Nyctessa's role card ability to reset her hand from her discard pile allows her to choose the cards she wants due to the fact the pile is face up rather down like the deck would be. (?) Many thanks peeps ![]()
![]() steve496 wrote:
I've just looked at those two characters. I now understand where you're coming from and how they could be seriously good given the right gear! Thanks for the reply! ![]()
![]() Hey all. I realise there may be a similar thread out there. Just would be interested to hear all of your views on the characters of this amazingly fun game. I've ordered the Hells Vengeance expansions as well as some others to expand my games with friends as they come with characters that interest me. But what characters do you all like? And why? Have any of you found good combos with other characters or cards etc? Just thought it would be an interesting read and might help me improve my own games too! Thank you all in advance. ![]()
![]() Hey all. Just a quick one. With the RotRL version of Lini, she has the ability to tick of proficiencies in both light armours and weapons. Because the option to tick of light armour proficiency appears first on the left, does that mean a player would have to tick off light armour before being able to tick off weapon proficiency? Thank you ![]()
![]() Hello again everyone, So my question revolves around the use of dexterity based weapons (bows etc) and other items/armour that give a boost to dexterity checks. Example: I'm using a bow with Meriisiel and she also has an armour/item that states you can reveal it to add 3 to a dexterity check. Because it doesn't state it has to be a non-combat check can this be done to boost her combat power using dex weapons? ![]()
![]() Hey all, Just a quick question. I'm thinking of trying to get some friends together to play a few games. My only question is, if the whole group of us got together (around 7-8 of us) would it be possible to play a version of the game with that many players?....just wondering if anyone has tried it before? Thank you all! ![]()
![]() skizzerz wrote:
Thanks Skizzerz! So I like playing Lini at the moment in RotRL, can you recommend someone for the next set? ![]()
![]() Brother Tyler wrote:
Hey Tyler, Thank you for the response, I'm now more in the know! Haha, just one clarification on the last statement you made. Are you saying that if I say, use RotRL Lini and take her through all the adventure paths in that set, I couldn't then 'carry on' with her into the later released sets (assuming I don't want to start over with her and keep her feats and loot etc) ![]()
![]() Hey all, I apologise if this information has been covered elsewhere, I've not been able to find it. My quick question is, are characters that you like from the RotRL set (including ones that have been through journeys and collected loot as well as ones that you haven't yet played with) able to be used in later sets and expansions, I.e. Is there any cross over play and compatibility between the characters and the sets? Thank you in advance Crim ![]()
![]() Hey all, So I have recently started playing a single player campaign on the pathfinder adventures game that I downloaded off the App Store. I recently beat a level that rewarded my characters with a skill power (I think it's called as I sit writing this). However, two of my characters died before the end of the scenario and therefore did not receive the reward (I have permadeath off in the options menu). My question is if I replay the level will the characters who died before be able to gain the reward (I obviously don't want them loosing out on such a good reward bonus)? I apologise if this answer to the rules is stipulated anywhere but I've not been able to find it. Thank you all! ![]()
![]() Hey all, Another quick question.
My question is; does this give me free reign over which die i want to replicate? for example would it have to be another d6 for Kyra's strength die (on a combat check)...or could i use another d8 in conjunction with her ability to increase her check against an undead?(so roll 2d8 instead of 1 and roll her strength/melee die as usual) Also, for example, can these blessings be used to roll a second melee die instead a basic strength roll? (so 2x melee die for kyra would be a d6+2 each roll)....or does it only apply to unmodified die? Hope this makes sense! Thank you all! ![]()
![]() Hey all, Very quick question here. The longspear says if you fail a combat check with this weapon you may discard this card to ignore the result and re-roll the die. My question is, does this only apply to the die associated with the spear? (i.e. melee die + 1d8) or does this re-roll apply to all other parts of the combat check? for example a 1d4 die used as part of Lini's animal ally power. thanks all! ![]()
![]() Hey all, So Kyra (RotR version) has a few spell slots for her deck......my question is, is it totally pointless putting cures in her deck when considering her ability? Or can it be advantageous to run some and make her a super healer?....also any cool tips/set ups that you know work well for her? I'm trying different characters out and seeing which I like best. Cheers all ![]()
![]() Hey all, So I tried playing on my own a little while ago with Lini..... it did not go so well. Partly really unlucky roles, partly bad decision making on my part im sure. I was wondering if there are any particular characters that excel at solo play? Im going to guess that Merisiel is a top contender by virtue of her evade ability? Thanks all! ![]()
![]() Andrew L Klein wrote:
brilliant, noted for the future!! i take it the villain might as well be left face up in the location at that point haha? ![]()
![]() Hey all, another question for you all. Say, in a particular play through, there are two locations left open in the scenario. In the first location the villain is encountered and defeated. I am only slightly confused as to how things proceed from there. Is the location that you battled the villain immediately closed, with all other cards banished, thus leaving you to randomly shuffle the villain and a single blessing face down into either that location (on its own) or to location 2? Or can the villain only retreat to the now, last open location (2)? Again, thank you guys, bringing you these questions as i encounter them lol. ![]()
![]() Dave Riley wrote: If that's the case, probably not. You can't use a power more than once per step unless it's a reactive power that triggers off of something else. Sorry Lini. D: Ah yes! sorry, id forgotten the rule for using powers once per check!...so looks like it would be the single substitution of a d10 die then :)...nvm...still better than a d4!! ![]()
![]() Hey all, So I have been doing some playing of PotLC and have come across a longbow (elite). My question is, does Lini's third ability combine with the lonbow's own?
Secondly, regarding Lini's ally 1d4 ability to any check...say i used this ability to beat a monster in a combat check...can i then use it again (i.e. reveal my animal ally again) to help with a recharge check on a spell i used during combat? would these stil count as two separate checks or does it all count as one due to it being in combat?...im not sure on timings. thanks all! ![]()
![]() OK hawkmoon, Thanks Does this mean that, for the rest of the adventure paths associated with RotRL. The BO set should stay in the box amongst all the other cards so as to allow the weapons, enemies and items etc to be able to be encountered at a later adventure? For example the Skinsaw Murders adventure. Or is that the only adventure that those certain weapons can be collected/encountered? ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm just sat having a look through the cards in my RotRL base set (and newly acquired character add on set). Obviously I have added the character add-on set to the base set itself.
My question is, if we are playing through the PotLC campaign first, are the BO set of cards supposed to be added to the box already?
Or should it stay completely separate until we beat PotLC? Thank all! (hope this made sense) ![]()
![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Thanks a lot Hawkmoon! So as it stands, I think they are both doing Ezren and Seoni...at the moment I'm loving the idea of Lini, especially after having you all on this forum give me tips for her.....though I must say....sajan does look really interesting ![]()
![]() Hello Pathfinder community! As some of you may recall I have recently played my first RotRL game with my friends and will soon be continuing on my merry adventures with them this weekend. However, I return again in the hope that you could share some of your experience when it comes to their chosen characters, so that I can in turn give them your advice? Aside from the fact that Ezren and Seoni are both spell casters, obviously they have their own abilities that make them better at different aspects of the game but, I am totally in the dark as to what cards would go best with them or what weaknesses they really have. Again, thanks so much for your help in my pathfinder education! haha ![]()
![]() Dave Riley wrote: Since you're with friends, you can probably do okay with having one of them pass a weapon to you at the beginning of a scenario, so you can make good use of Lini's discard power. Otherwise, it's only Inflicts for you unless you luck into a Holy Light. Lini certainly wants a Cure or two, as most Divine casters do. If you don't have Sajan in the party, Amulet of the Mighty Fists is an okay add-on to help with combat checks when you're just starting out. Otherwise, she likes the same Basic card starting out that most characters do: Amulet of Life, Thieves Tools, Detect Magic. Go wild! Great, thanks Dave! ![]()
![]() So I am loving this game so much that I have bought the character expansion for RotRL and will probably be playing Lini this weekend with my friends. Could anyone of you, who obviously has more experience than myself, give me any tips for building a deck for her? For example is she any good at using healing spells, or she more suited to offensive stuff? Etc etc Thank you all! ![]()
![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote: Yes. They are essentially 3 different characters that all happened to be named Harsk. And really, noting would stop you from using all 3 together in a group other than it might feel weird to have 3 characters all named Harsk who all have a very similar (though not exactly the same) skill set. thank you for this clarification hawkmoon! ![]()
![]() zayzayem wrote:
Ok cool, thank you. So does this mean they would be considered different characters in their own right? (although obviously not used in the same game together) ![]()
![]() Hey all, I realise ive been very busy on this forum today, thank you all for your help. I've been looking through the downloadable character sheets and have found discrepancies between various ones. For example the character sheets for Harsk in the RotR download section has different feat progressions than the Harsk sheet that can be downloaded from the character add on decks section. Is there a particular one that is more up to date and should therefore be used over the other? Also in relation this characters sheets and others, are the amount of bonus feats the same, or does one have more room for progression over the other? Thank you all