vadda |

I am looking for a 3-5 level pre-written adventure where the party has to break-in a consortium or mafia house to steal some papers or whatever. The house should not be so big, just an outpost with 3-4 persons in it (max).
I have checked already some pathfinder society adventures but could not find anything.

Erkenbard the Eyeful |

You could have them breaking into the extortionist cult of Razmir in "Masks of the Living God." I and the players loved that scenario and you could have all the cultists off on some mission leaving a skeleton crew of the barbarian Krant and a couple of senior clergy. They are not the "mafia" as such ... well, actually they are in all but name. They are a divine magic-free cult of extortionists/bullies/murderers. It7s basically an outpost of Razmiran in the heart of a foreign city (Tamran in Nirmathas) and the locals are terrified of these "cultists."