Looking for a pre-written low level burglary adventure

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I am looking for a 3-5 level pre-written adventure where the party has to break-in a consortium or mafia house to steal some papers or whatever. The house should not be so big, just an outpost with 3-4 persons in it (max).

I have checked already some pathfinder society adventures but could not find anything.

don't know if there is one.....

did you check the dmsguild? sure its 1e/2e/3e/4e/5e dnd. but anything there should be easy enough to convert

If you don't mind doing a little conversion work, there's a 5th level short adventure in Dungeon #147 called "The Aundairian Job" that takes place in Eberron...that might be close to what you're looking for.

You could have them breaking into the extortionist cult of Razmir in "Masks of the Living God." I and the players loved that scenario and you could have all the cultists off on some mission leaving a skeleton crew of the barbarian Krant and a couple of senior clergy. They are not the "mafia" as such ... well, actually they are in all but name. They are a divine magic-free cult of extortionists/bullies/murderers. It7s basically an outpost of Razmiran in the heart of a foreign city (Tamran in Nirmathas) and the locals are terrified of these "cultists."

The PFS scenario Sun Orchid Scheme is a heist of sorts and is level 1-5.

This helps me a lot! Thanks!

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