Viable Tactic: Blistering Invective + Pyrotechnics?

Rules Questions

We have a Bard who's planning on using these two spells in conjunction pretty regularly in our Skull n' Shackles campaign. Its a shame that the ranges don't synergize very well, but putting that aside, is this a viable tactic?

If Blistering Invective causes someone to catch on fire, can that person then be used as the source for Pyrotechnics? I don't know if it counts as 'magical fire' when someone catches fire, but the spell seems to infer that using magical fire as a source is fine, it simply isn't extinguished by the spell.

If allies know that the spell is going to be cast ahead of time, can they close their eyes and avoid the effects of the fireworks aspect of the spell? The thought was the Bard would cast Blistering Invective and then everyone else would take their action, before closing their eyes as a free action at the end of their turn. Blindness penalties would be assigned to them in between the end of their turn and the end of the Bard's next turn when Pyrotechnics was cast, after which they would presumably open their eyes, again as a free action.

Sound reasonable? It seems to make for a pretty effective 1-2 punch at 4th level...

Assuming you mean the fireworks effect of Pyrotechnics, I see this going 2 ways:

1) The spell doesn't specify a way to avoid the Will save to avoid becoming blinded. And even though you can close your eyes, very bright light can still go through eyelids. Will saves are still required. If you are already blind, then the part of this spell to negate sight is pointless. Being in an area of Darkness when this spell goes off, then no need for the will save.

2} Since this is a campaign and a home game, the DM can rule that closing your eyes work as the other player hopes. Or you get a bonus to your save instead. And note, once knowledge gets out that you are using this tactic, it won't be too long before your foes know to close their eyes as they know Pyrotechnics is going to go off soon.

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