Size bonuses and magic maneuvers

Rules Questions

Do you still get your size bonus/penalty to CMB when performing a magic maneuver, like with the Telekinesis spell or Kineticist Infusions? Cuz it really doesn't feel like you should. How would being bigger make you better at grabbing someone with your brain?

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I believe they all tell you how they work.

For telekinesis, for example, you specifically don't use your CMB. You instead use your caster level and add your casting stat bonus. No size modifiers are included.

If a spell or power said use your regular CMB, then the size modifier would still be part of the calculation, but I don't know any off hand that do it that way.

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Oh damn, you're right. I was reading it wrong this whole time. I thought it said you used caster level in place of base attack bonus, but it totally doesn't. That actually completely clears everything up, thank you so much!

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