Editting character's picture into a ghost, tips?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So here's the rundown.

Last time I played Pathfinder as a player, it was a fighter named Gandil. All the other players grew to like Gandil and how I played him. His main reason for adventuring was his daughter had seemingly incurable Devil's Chills, and needed medicine to stay as healthy as possible, though her mother didnt really let her leave the house.

Eventually, Gandil met his fate while drunkenly fighting a dragon with his friends at his side. Gandil was 1-shot burned to death. Not pretty. He had previously given one of his friends a note to read in case of his death however, and his final wish was for his body to be returned to Vigil, so that what valuables he had gathered could be used to help his daughter. The party solemnly returned his body to his family there, and they even gave some money of their own to Gandil's widow.

However, at that point, some guards came in and attempted to take the body, saying it held "contraband". These guards however were paid off by a local crime boss to secure the valuables. The party fought them off, killing them all, before wishing the family well and making their escape.

Using the money and valuables Gandil had left them, his wife was able to hire someone skilled enough to finally cure their daughter, giving her the possibility of a normal life, but that possibility was ripped away.

Seeing as how dead guards were found in the home, Gandil's wife was accused and found guilty of having a hand in the death of them, as there was no evidence they were "dirty". She was able to get one final word to her daughter the day she was executed. "Run." She knew that the crime boss would be after her daughter, Derrah, the only other person that knew what actually happened there. He didn't like loose ends.

Derrah packed what she could and left late in the night, at the age of 10, not quite knowing where she was going. But, such as in life, Gandil loved his daughter more than anything, and returned to help guide her in death.

Derrah has come across a new party of adventurers during the Kingmaker campaign, and has relative safety with them, but what will they do once they learn she travels with a ghost?
TLDR: Two of the players in the Kingmaker campaign are those that shared in Gandil's adventures, so they are familiar with Derrah, and more importantly, Gandil's appearance. We run the game on Roll20 so I've been trying to come up with an image for Gandil in his ghost form.

I've tried to make him look pretty beat up since he did die from dragon's breath, so if you have any ideas for how to improve it, let me know! I use Gimp.

Original: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c9/7b/ef/c97bef9f69f33c1274beb33ee4b04a04.jp g

Ghost: https://s33.postimg.org/dq23cflz3/imageedit_39_3292869303.png

Honestly, that's pretty decent! I'd have just taken the original, made it slightly translucent, and overlayed it on some background or another.

Eh, force ghosts are easy.

Take the original, greyscale. Change color to blue. Make transparent. Give hazy fog around edges.

Bam, ghost.

In one of my (non-PF) games, I use photos of real actors for almost all my NPCs. A handful have been ghosts, and I've used a simple "solarize" filter to good effect with them. (Here's one example.) I've also used the "moonlight" filter for underworld gods who aren't technically dead, but rarely see any light.

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