Straight ranged archer vs Divine Hunter Archetype


Which is better?
MuseTouched Aasimar +2 dex and cha.

Assuming this the paladin Divine hunter, it gives free precise shot at level 1, your party will appreciate that. If you have spellcasters making ranged attacks or other ranged attackers in the party your ability to give them access to ranged feats is well worth it.

If this is about the hunter archetype, i have no idea.

Ps paizo could we not reuse names? Please

Elegos wrote:

Assuming this the paladin Divine hunter, it gives free precise shot at level 1, your party will appreciate that. If you have spellcasters making ranged attacks or other ranged attackers in the party your ability to give them access to ranged feats is well worth it.

If this is about the hunter archetype, i have no idea.

Ps paizo could we not reuse names? Please

No you’re right it’s the Paladin archetype

Ive played one. It does help with feat tax trading heavy armour proficiency for precise shot. Beyond that, the other abilities depend on whether or not you think your team will benefit from the auras you provide.

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