Order 4612272

Customer Service

Hi there. I started up the main 4 Starfinder subscriptions last night. My question is that on the Starfinder Map sub, it has my next map being sent as Starfinder Flip-Mat: Cantina, and has it in my sidecart, but shows it to be unavailable. Since it is unavailable from y'all, can i have that one item cancelled from the subscription and it bumped to the next flip-mat ? It seems to also leave off the Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship as my next item. Will I get that one shipped since it was released after the unavailable Cantina Flip-Map ? If so, I would definitely like to get the Starship Flip-Mat is possible.

Thank you in advance

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Jerriko,

Thanks for your question! We should be receiving more of the Cantina map shortly, but I've canceled it from your account as requested. I've consolidated all pending items into one order, and generated the Starship map to that order as well. I'll go ahead and send you an updated confirmation email in just a bit so you can look it over to verify that everything is correct.

Please let me know if there are any further questions or concerns that I can help out with in the meantime, and I'll be happy to do so.


Awesome! Thank you so much :)

Do you have any idea on when shipment might occur for this order since it was combined ?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Jerriko,

We began shipping the subscription orders on Monday, December 4. We expect to have them all shipped out by December 15. Your order can ship any time in that window.

Ok, thank you for the update. I have my first game coming up and was hoping to have the Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection soon. I didn't click to the fact that they were part of the combining orders that was done.

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