Spirited Charge Early Access


Other than ranger and slayer, are there any other classes, archetypes, or prestige classes that give early access to Spirited Charge?

"A sohei may select Mounted Combat feats as bonus feats."

...which means Sohei Monks can get Spirited Charge @ Level 1, since Monk Bonus Feats ignore prerequisites.

Liberty's Edge

The Cavalier archtype Gendarm (who named a class of mounted warriors after French Police?) gets Mounted Combat as a bonus feat. This allows a Human Gendarm to take Ride-By Attack and Spirited Charge as his other two feats at 1st level.

Otherwise, a Gendarm can take MC & RBA at 1st, then follow with SC at 3rd. Or 2nd, if his second level is Fighter...

Come to think of it, a Human Fighter could take all three at 1st level. And a non-human could take the first two at 1st, then follow up at 2nd.

Odo Hillborne wrote:
(who named a class of mounted warriors after French Police?)

Other way around; the French Police were named after mounted warriors .

Dasrak wrote:
Odo Hillborne wrote:
(who named a class of mounted warriors after French Police?)
Other way around; the French Police were named after mounted warriors .

And a somewhat lacking Wikipedia article as it neglected to mention one of the greatest victories of French horse, the Battle of Rocroi in 1643 (see also the very cool game Under Lily Banners).


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