Advice Needed: Building PFS Legal Knowledge (Nobility) Expert


I am trying to build a PFS legal character that is expertly skilled in Knowledge Nobility.

My ideas so far:

2 Levels of Empiricist Investigator-Get Inspiration on Knowledge checks and converts several skills to use INT modifier instead of normal modifier. Could get by with a single level, but character will be INT focused so the extra level makes sense.

Minimum 2 levels of Mindchemist Alchemist-Gets Double INT bonus to all Knowledge checks, plus Cognatagen to increase INT, and bombs for some combat ability. Would prefer race with Bonus to DEX/INT, but Half Orc may work with +1/2 point of damage to bombs.

Trait: Civilized-+1 Trait Bonus to Knowledge Nobility & Local

Item: Mossy Disc (Cracked) Ioun Stone-+1 Competence Bonus on Knowledge Nobility. Also, can the Ioun Stone be upgraded to the higher level items similar to how we do magic weapons/belts/headbands?

What other Race options are there that might give alternative racial features to increase a knowledge skill?

Any other items that help with this?

While I would prefer to keep it to just two classes I am open to hear suggestions on additional classes that would offer a considerable bonus to knowledge checks in general, Nobility specifically.

Any ideas out there?

Thanks for the input!

Krell44 wrote:
Item: Mossy Disc (Cracked) Ioun Stone-+1 Competence Bonus on Knowledge Nobility. Also, can the Ioun Stone be upgraded to the higher level items similar to how we do magic weapons/belts/headbands?

You mean change a cracked mossy disc to a normal mossy disc? No. There is no way to de-crack or de-flaw an ioun stone.

Other stuff that might be helpful:

Esquire attache case for creating legal documents
Heritage Book +2 circumstance bonus for any use
Tome of Epics +2 circumstance on checks re heroic lineages (should stack with Heritage Book, circumstance bonuses generally do)
Suzerain Scepter 20,000 gp but gives +5 untyped on Knowledge(nobility)

Noble Scion must be taken at 1st level, gives +2 untyped for nobility and you can take its "scion of lore" option to get +1 on any knowledge you're trained in
Enlightened Noble, sequel to Noble Scion, increase the general bonus from +1 to +2 for skills you have 10 ranks in

Worship Irori. Deific Obedience then grants +4 to all knowledge skills. I think that's PFS legal?

If Breadth of Experience is PFS legal, play an Elf (+2 INT) and take that feat, too. +2 more to knowledge skills.

Much easier and more valuable for your concept than Noble Scion / Enlightened Noble, I think. Otherwise, the items Fuzzy-Wuzzy lists are great.

Oh, and take Bard levels, potentially with the Archivist archetype. Lore Master is great (take 10 on knowledge mid-combat? Yes please!) as is the +1/2 level bonus to knowledge skills.

Pathfinder chronicle (forget which one).
Lore Needle

Also, don't forget rerolls. The higher your bonus, the more rerolls are worth.

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